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Errrrr happy New Year !!!

Finally the long awaited double update. I'll bet you all are excited! No kidding I am too be right now we are approaching gear 3 of this story. Do you know what that mean, it means vauwlence is fast approaching, who knows maybe it's already here! Hehehehehe

Now this chapter is dedicated to thedreamelixir_ Me and this  baby girl had been showing each other love back to back and she is one of the contributors  to helping my book hit 14k reads.

Yes guys A Twin With A Difference the book ONE of  THE TWIN SERIES has finally landed on 14k reads. Very soon I am sure you all will help me get this one to 14k reads and beyond. Any way I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Random question: have you ever meet a celebrity before?... how was the experience for you ?

With that said let's dive in 5...4...3...2...1!!!


                                𝙲𝙷𝙻𝙾𝙴  𝙱𝙰𝙱𝙰𝙹𝙸𝙳𝙴                           <CHLOE BABAJIDE>

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                                𝙲𝙷𝙻𝙾𝙴  𝙱𝙰𝙱𝙰𝙹𝙸𝙳𝙴
                           <CHLOE BABAJIDE>

"Semester break! Yeahh it's about damn time!" I exclaimed throwing all my book and materials in the air. Finally I will be going home in less than 48hours and I couldn't be a lot happier.

I was more than ready to go home and I had packed few of the essential things I was going to need especially my skin care routine kits. There was just one thing that felt amidst at the moment.

"Come on Jayson, please come home with me, pleaseee." I begged not believing my boyfriend right now. Yes he came over to my house while we were in Lagos very often, even Mrs. Babajide got so used to him being around that she doesn't complain how late he stays over anymore.

Bottom line he is now seen as the son she never knew she needed-- in case you are wondering Damilare is still in prison and we all know how Nigerian prisons are like. "Pleaseee you know it's going to be just me and my sister and since Joel is schooling in Lagos, he will have all the time to come and see her. And I will be stuck being the third wheel!" I had to yell out that part because apparently it seems he wasn't getting it.

He just spared me a glance and in a matter of seconds he face was back on his phone. Umm rude much "Jaaaaayyyyysooonnnnn nahhhhh! Look at how I am begging you on top my own house again" he only chuckled, finally paying attention to me.

He kept his phone on my bed side table and walked up to where I was standing... my arms were crossed as I shifted my weight from one side of my leg to the other. I was doing my best to not look him in the eyes because I knew I couldn't stay mad him for too long especially while looking him in the eye.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now