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Well those you that guessed, Nora... Toor it's not Nora oo. 🌚🌚 give that girl a break too, come on. 🌚🌚 Any way I am still basking in the euphoria of hitting 500 reads in 11 days. Actually scratch that, it's not 800 reads in one month with just 7 chapters. Omo thank you all so much it means alot. You all are the real MVPs ❤️😮‍💨🤲🏽😮‍💨❤️

Now this chapter is dedicated to  the birthday girl. Serenity's name sake, and a friend like no other. sereniity- She is also an outstanding writing like me, her book is a work of art. She is a work of art. You deserve some accolade, happy birthday once again baby girl. 🤲🏽😮‍💨 Thank you so much for the support on this book. I see you 🤲🏽😮‍💨

Random question: Which do you think is much beneficial to you, staying single? Or staying committed to a relationship?

With that said let's dive in 5...4...3...2...1!!!



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I yawned tiredly looking at the time. It was only 10am and I was tired already; well maybe it's because I didn't get enough sleep due to studying so much last night. I was in lectures hall 105 sited in the first roll like the good student I always envisioned myself as, I made sure what I was wearing wasn't too revealing, I don't want someone talking smack about me or my body. Yes I know I am skinny and I like it like that, you don't have to rub it in my face you know.

In as much as I willed myself to believe that I was confident in my body, there were other times I'd dress up in baggy clothes just to cover it up. I yawned again feeling the tiredness fully set in, thank God the class will be over in 3, 2, 1... "Any way class that is all for today. Please make sure you prep for your test ooo, it's the first thing we will be doing the minute I walk in next class." with that he packaged his things and stepped off the podium leaving the lecture hall.

Yes, finally time to get some sleep! I mentally said jumping for joy in my head. I yawned again putting my head on the table using my bag as pillow. I was slowly drifting into neverland when I heard a loud shriek. I flicked and sprang my head up at alert, all I wanted was a peaceful one hour nap, was that really too much to ask for in this lecture hall. "That's a lie Tyler, you don't mean what you said; tell me you don't mean it." Good thing I was sitting in front so I was getting a good view of everything. If only I could turn down the volume because whoever this girl is, had really got a loudspeaker stuck in her throat.

"Geez, Sarah, I already told you, I am not interested in you so please stop, this is humiliating."  Hmm Sarah, so that's her name; I think loudspeaker girl soothes her better. I chuckled at the silly nickname I came up with for her, her face was a river of tears and her nose, oh gawd, worse than I could imagine. "Please Tyler, I love you! Please just reciprocate my feelings. I'll do anything to make to you happy." Shish, is she really that desperate, I mean what is so special about the Tyler of a boy that she causing so much disrespect for herself. Gawd this is really painful to watch.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now