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hi guys welcome to chapter 20. finally this is where the story start to take unexpected turns, any way i hope you all are ready because there is going to be cause for scream and shrikes as we go on. any who...

This chapter is dedicated to SharonKamsi the author of Accident love and scars. She Been such a sweat heart to me and I'd like you all to give her book a chance especially because... DRUM ROLLS PLS... we are starting a collaboration soon!!! So stay tuned guys

Random question: what is that one embarrassing thing you did that made you wish the ground would swallow you hole?

With that said let's dive in 5...4...3...2...1!!!



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If only the ground could be a darling, open up and swallow me whole. If only I could, poof disappear, if only... ahhh that would be bliss. Oh how I wish so badly for any of those two to happen to me, because right. I am dressed up in my favorite butterfly themed onesie and not because I am cold but because I am heartbroken. Gawd why hasn't the ground swallowed me yet... "Ahhhhhhhhhh, just want to crawl into a hole and not come out again!" I wailed trashing around on my bed.

"Guy, stay one place before you fall of the bed." That was the best good morning message I could get from Chika, my Igbo bunk mate who moved into the hostel few weeks to the exam. She was lucky we were good roommates that insisted to the hostel management to not sell her space or bed. She is the least of my worries right now, I had better things to think about and in case you are wondering, yes. It is about that viral video of Tyler and Kojo beating the hell out of each other using both fists and words. To put it plainly, Vawulence was served.

I rolled over wrapping myself up some more like a giant burrito with my duvet, which always works to sooth my pain but not this time. This video is viral and if I don't find some way to take it down, Tyler, Kojo and his beloved scholarship, especially me. We are all going down; we are all going to take the fall. And I don't think I can handle getting expelled at least not over something that should not have gone this far. If only my brother wasn't soo protective.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!... Ahhhhhhh!!! Make it stop!! Make it stop!" I said screaming and trashing around until I fell off the bed. I startled Chika in the process and all she did was hiss loudly like nothing happened, like her fellow human isn't in pain right now. All I got was her maniacal glares as she muttered loud enough for me to hear. "Grow the fuck up bitch! You are not the only one with a bad name on the internet." Without another word she walked out of the room slamming the door behind her causing me to flick on impact.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now