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Warning: some parts of this chapter maybe triggering to some readers

This chapter is, how do I say now — aiiiiiii, I want to talk but I say let me not talk. This one is sha hot in tears sha because we get a glimpses of someone's past. A past that the person had chosen to hold on tight to. This chapters is slight longer, starch that , it is actually Longer than the previous chapter but it's only all to give you the best of the best.

Random question: Ever lived in hostel or boarding school, what was your first night like?

With that said let's plunge in  5...4...3...2...1!!!



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It's my second week in the Olawole Ateredolu University (OAU) and I am slowly, very slowly adapting to the hostel life here. Nora, much to her discomfort gave me the tour of the school today and right now we were currently at the sport center taking a walk round the track as she explained how the sport Center is arranged. "So here is the basket ball court." She said pointing to particular place where basketball nets were arranged. We walked towards the direction she pointed and I saw how beautiful it looks up-close.

"Over there is the volleyball court, at the far end, we have the swimming pool; you wanna check it out?" She said after pointing toward the far left where the swimming pool was. "Urrr no thanks, I am not very good at swimming."

"Oh it's no problem. That makes two of us." We both giggled at that before moving towards the back. We were hearing voices of two people fighting so we traced it to a very big indoor gym. "Whoa this place is huge. Wait are those..." I gasped looking at them as they were displaying their skills. Contortionist, they were contortionist and my mind was literally blown

"Close your mouth Sky. Before people think I am hanging out with one village girl." I chuckled in response and shook my head at her closing my mouth, this time I surveyed my surroundings. Right before my very eyes was something I've never seen before, Black belt fighters practicing, contortionist stretching and creating a routine, and gymnastics having rehearsals for an upcoming program. This was indeed beautiful and more importantly at the far end to the left different gym equipments where neatly arranged.

I saw some people there making use of the equipment like the fitness ball, the treadmill, stationary bicycle, and many more. While I was busy surveying the area, I noticed something or rather a someone that caught my breath. His body was dripping with fineness even though he was dripping in sweat.

I didn't know when I started drooling at just his sight. His hair was in a buzz low cut and it was highlighted gray, his signature chisel chin had neatly groomed beards grown on it. As he keeps lifting the dumbbell I could see how defined and outlined his muscles were. I uncomfortably licked my lips wishing I could run my tongue on his chocolate dark skin.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now