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Well those you that guessed, Skyler... Toor is not skyler oo 🌚🌚  give that girl a break come on. 🌚🌚 Any way I am still basking in the euphoria of hitting 500 reads in 11 days. Thank you all so much It means alot.You all are the real MVPs ❤️😮‍💨🤲🏽😮‍💨❤️

Now this chapter is dedicated to baby girl like no other, the author of  THE LOST ONE Purple_Deeza been reading her book back to back this week and I must say her book is a work of art. She is a work of art. You deserve accolade for your book girl. 🤲🏽😮‍💨 Thank you so much for the support on this book. I see you 🤲🏽😮‍💨

Random question: have you ever wished you could go back in time, to change your own mind?

With that said let's dive in  5...4...3...2...1!!!



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"Dearest daughter... Serenity please eat your food so mummy won't have to be late for lectures...again."I was in my room trying my best to feed my daughter who chose to be too playful this morning, she had already poured half of her food on her plastic bib, sadly I'll have to deal with it before going to lecture this morning I can't have dirt around my daughter. I heard a little snicker and I turned my head to the sound, it was Chloe; she was trying her best to stiffen her laughter but wasn't doing a good job at it.

"Is my little niece giving mummy a hard time?" Chloe asked me with her eyes on Serenity and Serenity giggled, clapping her hands joyously, this girl is slowly becoming the death of me, and she is only a year and some months old. I sighed and handed Serenity over to Chloe since they were both stretching their hands towards each other.

"Take please, she is kukuma your niece." I said giving her my daughter along with her food which was golden morn and quickly, I dashed from my room to Chloe's room trying to put things in place. Yes! Mom made sure we had everything to our comfort, hence why we stayed in a two bedroom apartment off campus. I am sure you are wondering which mom I speak of, well it's none other than Mrs. Babajide, she has been the one looking after and taking care of us ever since the passing of our biological mom Mrs. Mariam Aleshiloye.

"And done, who's a good girl? You are! Yes you are Serenity" I was snapped out of my thoughts at that statement Chloe made, I left Chloe's room heading to my room only to see that Chloe had managed to make my daughter finish her food. Whoa it's either Chloe has a superpower when it comes to Serenity and kids in general, or Serenity actually prefers Chloe feeding her rather than me and I will not be surprised if the latter one is true because this isn't the first or second time Serenity has chosen to misbehave or refuse to eat when I was feeding her.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now