Chapter 2

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Alison's POV

I stepped in and saw a family on the couch watching tv together. They were four different people a women who looked in her thirties, she has long light brown hair, she has hazel eyes, and a beautiful smile. She was laying on a man, who looked around the same age as my dad, he has short black hair and dark brown eyes. Then their were two little kids on their laps laying their. It looks like they were twins, a boy and girl, they both had hazel eyes, and hazel hair. The girl had highlights that were a darker brown, almost black. They had the cutest dimples.

The boy who drove me here, I never got his name, started hugging the people on the couch who is probably his family. He signaled for me to go to him. I walked slowly to him and his whole family was staring at me with a smile. "Cameron, is this your girlfriend." His mom I'm guessing asked. I was shocked at what she asked him, but now I know his name is Cameron. I looked at Cameron and I think he was blushing.

"No mom, it's just a girl I met, she has no where to stay so I told her she can stay here." She nodded and looked at me with a smile. "What's, your name honey?" Wow, the last person who called me honey was my mom 9 years ago. My eyes started to water, but I didn't wanna cry in front of them. I let out out some tears, and said "I'm Alison. Uh, Cameron where's your restroom?" "Follow me." I followed him upstairs and he guided me into a room. "This is where you can sleep, the restroom in here is right there." I nodded and went in I didn't bother closing the door. I started crying and thinking. I wish I had a family like Cameron does. He walked in and saw me crying.

"Alison, what's wrong?" I sniffled and continued crying, he pulled me into his arms and I felt for once safe in his arms. He carried me onto the bed and wiped my tears. "What's wrong, why are you crying?" I looked at him and saw that he was concerned for me. "Uh, it's a long story." I said still crying. "Tell me, if you want." I nodded and started the story "Uh, it started when I was 7, my parents got divorced, my mom was gonna take me and my brother. My dad he abuses me, see these bruises and cuts he gave them to me this morning. My dad hurt my mom and forced her so that he could have me. Then one day my mom was gonna pick me up and have me for a few months. Then she and my brother were in a accident. It crushed me because the two people I loved the most. Then when my dad abused me this morning he dropped fifty bucks. I grabbed and ran to my room, to pack then I ran away. And now I am here." I started crying even more and Cameron put his arm around me.

"I am so sorry Alison, I promise you I will protect you, and I will never hurt you." I smiled and hugged him. I went to the restroom and he followed, I rinsed my face. Cameron got me a towel and I thanked him. "Come, I wanna introduce you to my family." I smiled and he grabbed my hand. I smiled even more, so this is what it's like to be in love with someone, and someone who cares for you. He took me downstairs and their family was having dinner.

"You guys, I wanna introduce you to Alison," everyone smiled at me and I said hi. "Alison, honey, do want something to eat." My eyes watered, and Cameron noticed, and whispered "Are you hungry?" I nodded and he told his mom. Cameron got my plate and placed it in front of me. He was really sweet, "Do you want something to drink Alison?" He asked me. I nodded and he poured me a drink I wasn't sure what it was. He handed me my drink and I thanked him. "What is it?" "It's Pepsi" "What's that?" Everyone looked shocked and they looked at me. "You have never had Pepsi." One of the twins said. I nodded and Cameron told me "Its a type of soda, and soda is a type of drink." I nodded and took a sip. It was really good. I took a bite of the food they served me. It was delicious.

"This is really good, what is it, I have never had anything like this before." Cameron's mom looked at me and smiled. "This is pasta, I make it with a homemade sauce. I'm glad you liked it." I nodded and once I was finished, Cameron took my dish for me. "Cameron can you do the dishes." His mom told him. He nodded. "I can help you."I told him. He smiled and guided me to the sink. We started washing the dishes together, until he got some bubbles and put it in my hair. I started laughing and put some on his face. He laughed and carried me and got a bunch of bubbles and water and put it in my face and hair. I started laughing really hard and he continued, I got my hand and got some and put some on his face.

He kept doing it, and I did it too. I haven't had this much fun in forever. His mom walked and gasped. "Uh, why don't you kids just go upstairs and wash up and I will clean up." We nodded and he grabbed my hand and took me to the guest room. He took me to the restroom, "Alison, we share a bathroom, so if you ever need anything, your closet and restroom connect to my room." I nodded and asked "Cameron do you have any clothes, I can borrow to sleep in, all my clothes are ripped up, and used" "Yeah follow me." He took me into his room and asked, "Boxers or sweats?" "Sweats please" he nodded and got a black shirt for me. He gave it to me and I got in the shower, once I was done, I put on his sweats and shirt they fit me really big. I didn't really care, I went into Cameron's room and he just got out of the shower too.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room I'm sleeping in. "Cameron, I had a really fun time today, the most fun I have ever had since I was little. I feel safe with you and I haven't felt safe ever since my parents got divorced. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me I will never be able to repay you." He smiled and hugged me "Your welcome," He kissed my forehead and I looked at him." Wanna go skateboarding tomorrow?" "What's that?" "Oh we are definitely going to the park tomorrow. I'm gonna teach you." I giggled and yawned.

"You tired," I nodded and I laid my head head on his chest. He snuggled up with me and I felt safe. "Night Cameron," "Night, sleep dreams." Wow. I feel completely safe and happy. My life could not get better right now.

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