Chapter 9

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Cameron's POV

It's Friday and were gonna fly to Arizona for the court order thing. I am so nervous, what if Alison's dad won and she had to go back to a life of suffering. I love Alison and I want her here with me, where I know she is safe. I don't won't her to get hurt anymore. She has been so happy with us, and she has learned so much. I hope we win I mean we have to win.

Alison's POV

It's Friday and we have to leave today at 5 in the morning. Cameron woke me up at 2:30, I'm so tired, I brush my teeth, then put the toothbrush in my suitcase. I really don't know what to wear so I walk into Cameron's moms room. "Uh, Mrs.Dallas, I really don't know what to wear. Can you help me choose something." "Of course sweetie, and I told you, if you want you can call me mom." I nodded and we both went in me and Cameron's closet.

She looked through my clothes and she chose a black skater skirt, with a white shirt and a small black sleeveless coat. I smiled and asked" What shoes?" "Uh, were you white chucks." I nodded and grabbed them. She left and Cameron walked in, "Cameron what are you gonna wear?" "I don't know." "Can I choose it?" I asked hoping for him to say yes. "Sure." I jumped up and smiled. I walked to his side of the closet.

I looked through his clothes and chose a white shirt, with a black coat, and some black pants. He has no idea that we are gonna match. I giggled a little and gave him his clothes. "What shoes." "Uh, your white chucks." He nodded and went into his room and I went into mine. I put my outfit on and grabbed my wand and plugged it in to the outlet. I waited for it to get to the correct temperature and Cam walked in.

"Would you look at that were matching," he looked at me and then at him and smiled. He started brushing his hair and styling his hair. "Cameron, can you curl my hair, you do it way faster then me." He nodded and grabbed the wand from my hand. In about 30 minutes he finished. "Wow, they look really pretty, it would have token me an hour." He laughed and grabbed my hand.

I pulled him into my room, put I tripped and he caught me. "Your always catching me." We both smiled and I kissed him on the check. He grabbed my luggage and I grabbed my phone. He took my luggage and his downstairs and placed it by the door with the rest. I checked my phone and it was 3:30. I took a picture with Cameron cause we were matching and posted it. I wrote twinsies. He liked it and we both sat down for breakfast.

When we finished we put everything in the car and drove their. It was a 40 minute drive so I fell asleep on Cameron's shoulder. I woke up to Cameron shaking me and saying "Wake up." "I'm tired" I hopped on his back and he carried me like that the whole way. We waited for our plane to be called so we sat down. "Plane A5 to Arizona" we all got up and got on the plane. I got the window seat and Cameron sat next to me.

Cameron put his earphones on and handed me one. He played all of our favorite songs and I started drifting off, I fell asleep on his shoulder. I woke up and we were still on the plane. I grabbed Cameron's hand and he kissed my check I blushed. I looked behind Cameron and his mom looked at me and smiled, she winked. I giggled and Cam asked "Whats so funny." I nodded and said "Nothing." The plane landed and we all got off.

We got in our rented car and drove to the hotel. We were all gonna share a room. It had 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and 2 restrooms. The parents in one room, the twins in the living room and me and Cameron in the other bedroom. I put my stuff their and we went out to eat. We decided we would get In-n-Out and tutti frutti after.

We got our food and started eating after we finished, we went to tutti frutti. Me and Cameron shared and he put the same stuff he put the first time we came here. He brought it to the table and I smiled. "You guys, I want to let you know that I am so thankful, for you guys I will never be able to repay you. I love you guys so much and I am thankful for everything you have done for me. I want you guys to know that because if I have to go back to living with my dad, I will never forget you guys. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

I started tearing and Cameron put his arm around me. "Honey, your welcome, we love you so much and we want you to be safe and get to experience how much fun it is being a kid. Your only a kid once and you'll remember that forever. We love you, and we are gonna do the best we can do so that you can stay with us." I hugged her and everyone.

We went back to the hotel , we rested for awhile because we have to go to court in about a hour. I am so nervous. We have to win. I cannot live with my dad again. I will never forget their family. I will never forget this month.

We all got in the car to go to court, I grabbed Cameron's hand, and held it tight. I never wanted to forget that feeling I get when I am next to Cameron. I love him so much. We arrived and Cameron helped me out. We met up with the lawyer and entered the court. We took our seats and I never let go of Cameron's hand. We all stood up, when the judge entered. We took are seats and I was so nervous. "Today, we will decide, if Alison Aleiand Brooks, will live with her father again or the Dallas family."

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