Chapter 15

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Alison's POV

I woke up and went to brush my teeth, I also brushed my hair, because it had lots of of tangles. I went into my closet and got some sweats and a sweater. I went to my bed and grabbed my phone Cam was still sleeping, I took a picture of him and posted it on Instagram, I wrote aww Cam your so cute.

His iPhone vibrated and I quickly exited the room, I peeked through and he looked at his phone he smiled and looked around. He saw me peeking and starting lauging, I walked in slowly and steeped towards him, he grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest. I laughed and kissed his check. He pouted and I kissed his lips. It was another great kiss, I love each and every one of his kisses. He is the best.

I pulled away and smiled. He smiled back and I kissed his check and ran out of the room. He chased me and he carried me upside down on his shoulder he threw me on the bed and started kissing me, I kissed back but then the door open and he quickly got off of me.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, but breakfast is ready," Me and Cameron looked at each other and we held hands and walked downstairs. "So, Cameron what time is the party?" I asked him. "It starts at 7." I nodded and ate one of Cams pancakes. "Hey," I looked at him and said "Hi. He laughed and took a piece of my bacon. "Hey, you don't take my bacon," I ripped it out of his mouth and ate it. He laughed and smiled at me. I smiled and asked "So what do you do at parties?" He looked at me and said "You'll see," I shrugged and put my plate in the sink.

He put his plate in too, and carried me, he carried me to his room and dropped me on the bed, he locked the door. He sat by me and I laid my head on him, "Cameron, I want you to know, I love you and I hope you never leave me." "Alison, stop, you know I will never leave you I love you too much. I promised you I will never leave you and that I won't let anything bad happen to you."

I smiled and kissed his check. He did the same and we talked for hours. "Should we start getting ready since its already 4:30?" He nodded and I plugged my wand in the outlet. I got my makeup out and Cameron picked it up. "Hey, I need that." He looked at me and nodded no. "Nope, you don't need it," I looked at him and said "Please, I'll only put eyeliner and mascara." He looked at me and said "Promise," and I nodded. He got the mascara and eyeliner out and gave it to me. "What about my eyelash curler?" He searched through my makeup bag and got it out.

He gave it to me and left into his room with my makeup. I curled my eyelashes first and then put my mascara on. I waited for the mascara to dry and then I curled my eyelashes agian. I then applied my eyeliner. I looked at my self and thought I needed more makeup like blush or something. I walked into Cams room and asked "Cam, I need more makeup, I look ugly." He walked up to me and kissed my lips. "You are not ugly, your gorgeous." "But Cam." "Ok, I will let you put more makeup on, but I choose," I nodded and he got my makeup bag from his closet.

He handed me some eyeshadow that matched my skirt, and some pink blush. "Here, that's all your getting." I looked at him and said "Not even lipstick or lipgloss." He looked in the bag and picked out a pinkish lipstick. "Thanks," he nodded and I walked into the restroom. I applied some of the eyeshadow on both of my eyes, I looked cute. I then put some blush and lipstick. I looked at myself and then Cam walked in. "You look nice," I giggled and said "Thanks."

I picked up my wand and started curling my hair. I continued and after 40 minutes I finished. I looked at my phone and it was 5:40. I went into Cameron's room and he was on his phone. I walked closer and said "So, what do you think?" He looked at me and smiled "You look great." I thanked him and walked over to him, he took a picture and I told him to delete it but he just posted it. "Cam, why?" He laughed and said "You looked gorgeous." I looked at him and said "Yeah, yeah," I walked into my room and got my clothes.

I put my shirt on and then put some spandex, I then put my skirt over it and put the coat on. I walked into my closet and choose some white chucks, I put the socks on and then my shoes. I looked into the mirror and stared at myself. I have changed so much, I used to look so fragile and now I have changed. I walked into Cams room and he looked at me, I twirled around in my skirt. He smiled and so did I.

I looked at my phone and it was 6, "Cameron, shouldn't you be getting ready," he shrugged and I pulled him up from his bed. "Cameron, get dressed," he nodded and I went into my room. I scrolled through and liked on a bunch of Cameron's pictures. I looked through all of my pictures and saw that I got lots of likes on the pictures that me and Cameron were in. Cameron walked into my room and I saw that he was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket with some dark denim jeans.

I stood up and walked to him, "You look cute," he smiled and kissed my check. I smiled and he held my hand, "What time is it?" He asked. I looked at my phone and it was 6:20. "6:20" he nodded and went into the restroom, he started brushing his hair and styling it. I watched closely as he did his hair. He was so cute. When he finished he took a picture of the both of is and posted it. He tagged me into it and I looked at it, it was a really cute picture. I liked it and went on settings. I changed my background to that picture we just took. I showed him and he smiled.

We walked downstairs and sat on the couch. We watched some tv, and then I looked at Cameron and said "Cam, should we get going its 7," he looked at his phone and grabbed my hand "Bye mom, see later," he told our mom. "Ok, Cam, take care of Alison she is new to this stuff," he nodded and we walked out. He opened the door for me and I got in. He got in the drivers seat and started the car.

"Alison, stay with me throughout the whole party, do not wonder off," I nodded and he continued talking,"If any one asks you for a drink say no." I was confused "Wait Cam why," "Their is gonna be a lot of drunk kids their, they are probably offering you alcohol." I nodded and he continued. "I think that's it but remember stay with me and don't let anyone offer you a drink. Oh and since your smoking hot, boys will, well you know boys." I nodded and tried not to think about that. We arrived and their were so many people and red cups on the floor. Cameron opened my door and he grabbed my hand I took a step and we entered the house.

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