Chapter 39

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Alison's POV

We arrived home and I walked with Cameron. Kylie got in between us and pushed me and Cameron, Cameron didn't fall but I did. "What's wrong with her? "He pulled me up and walked me inside. He walked into the kitchen looking mad. I followed him. "Alison can you tell everyone to stay in the living room, I wanna talk to Kylie." I nodded and did as he told me. I could hear him yelling.

Cameron's POV

"Kylie, what the heck has gotten into you I'm serious! You keep hurting Alison! That's my girlfriend don't you have respect! Go to your room!" She rolled her eyes. "You can't tell me what to do!" I gave her a look. "Kylie! When moms not here I'm in charge." She rolled her eyes and stomped her way upstairs.

I walked into the living room and sat next to Alison. She was talking to Valerie. I'm glad she gets along with her. Nash sat next to me. "Hey Nash," "Hey cam, dude we can totally double date." He said pointing to Alison and Valerie.

I smiled and nodded. I got a phone call. "I'll be right back." He nodded and I walked to the kitchen. My manager Bart was calling.

I answered. "Hello," "Hey, Cameron the tour is back on, I have all of your guys tickets. Your flight leaves in two days." I smiled knowing we would be back on tour. "That's great can me and the boys bring our girlfriends?"

"Cameron you know how I feel about girlfriends?" "Pleas Bart I can't leave my girlfriend agian." "Ok Cameron, fine." "Thank you Bart, I'll see you then." He hung up and I walked into the living room.

"Ok guys I have news, is everyone here." I looked around and everyone was their except Kylie and Brandon. "Ok, we're going on tour, on two days." Everyone started screaming and being happy. I saw Alison's eyes saddened. "Theirs more. We can bring our girlfriends." Alison's jumped up and on me.

She smiled and kissed me. "PDA!" They screamed, we shrugged and kissed. Her legs were around my torso. She pulled back and smiled. "Ok, guys, quiet down I wanna ask something." Hayes said.

Jessica's POV

Hayes told everyone to quiet down. He stood in front of me and handed me a cupcake. "Here." I smiled, "Thanks," I ate it and their was a piece of paper. I took it out of my mouth and on it it said. Will you be my girlfriend? -Hayes.

I smiled. I stood up and stood in front of Hayes. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." He smiled and picked me up. He spun me around and everyone went aww. "So I guess I'm going on tour with you." "Yep, I guess you are." I smiled and kissed his check.

Alison's POV

I think Jessica and Hayes are so cute. The way he asked her out in front of us. So cute. "So Cameron when are we leaving." He looked at me, "In two days." I nodded. "How long are we staying and where are we going?" "Well we're staying their for three months, cause we are gonna come back for thanksgiving." I nodded.

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