Chapter 26

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Alison's POV

Today is the day Cameron has to leave to Magcon. I am gonna miss him so much. I don't know what I will do without him for two weeks. I have never been away from him for two weeks. Even when I was in jail it wasn't two weeks, and I suffered a lot in their. For the last couple of days me and Cam have been doing a lot of fun stuff together. We have been going to movies, walks, skateboarding. All the stuff we love to do together. When I fly to Florida to meet up with him, it will be our one month anniversary. I can't wait.

I got out of bed and put some shorts, with a red crop top and my red vans. My hair was already curly from when I curled it last night so I just fixed it up. I then put mascara, and blush. I uncharged my phone and then got on my bed where Cam was sleeping. I sat on Cam stomach and kissed his lips. He smiled and said, "Morning beautiful," I smiled and said "Morning, I'm gonna miss saying that to you every morning." He frowned, "We still can, I'll call you every morning and tell you morning, I don't care what time it is in Florida, I'm gonna make sure I call you."

I smiled and pecked his lips. "Come on get dressed, your flight leaves at 11, and its 7." He got up and went into his closet. I followed him. "Can I choose?" He nodded and pecked my check. I smiled and looked through his clothes. I got him some shorts and a red shirt, with red vans. He walked into his room and put it on. I sat on the counter in the restroom waiting. He came out and stood in front of me. "We are matching," he said. I smiled but then it faded away, when he goes to Florida no one will see us match. "Why so bummed, I thought you wanted us to match." I sighed. "I do, but when you go to Florida no one will see us match." He grabbed my waist and stood me up on the counter.

"Well, we can't do anything about that but we can take a picture and post it." I nodded and we took the picture and he tagged me. I quickly liked it, and asked, "Cam, can you help me down?" He chuckled and carried me down. I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs. We ate breakfast, and then went onto the couch. I checked my phone and it was 8. "Alison I wanna show you something I made for you," "What is it Cam?" He got off the couch and got a DVD he then put it in the DVD player.

He clicked play and sat back on the couch I snuggled up with him. It started and it was a slideshow with a bunch of pictures and videos of us. The song Sad Song by We The Kings, I looked at Cam and smiled. I watched the slideshow and has so many memories that I miss. I started crying and laughing and at the same time because we made a lot of funny videos of us.

At the end of the video it said I love you and I will see you soon. I cried and hugged Cameron. He rubbed my back, "Don't cry Alison, I want to see your beautiful smile." I pulled back and started crying even more, "Thanks Cam for the video, I loved it." He smiled and stood up he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He lifted me up and spun me around, I started laughing and smiling. "Their it is the beautiful smiled I love." I smiled and he put me down.

He leaned in and so did I, our lips touched. I feel like our lips were meant to be together. We kissed and our lips moved in sync. We both pulled back and smiled. I am gonna miss his lips. "I'm gonna miss kissing you," he chuckled, "Im gonna miss kissing you too." He pulled me to the ground with him and I was on top of him. I laughed and then his mom came in, "Guys it's time to drop Cam off." My smile faded, "I don't want Cam to go." He looked at me, "Hey I'll see you in two weeks."

I nodded and got up, I grabbed his hand and we walked to the car. We both sat in the back and I laid my head on Cams shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you Cam, a lot." He looked down at me, "Alison I'm gonna miss you so much but I'll see you in two weeks, please be good for the two weeks, try not to think of me." I nodded and he kissed my check. He looked back up and Cams mom started putting music on blast. Me and Cam started singing and I was laughing at both of us trying to sing. Cams mom put the music down because people were honking at us.

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