Chapter 11

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Alison's POV

"Alison Alieand Brooks, will live with no one in this room, but we do have two arrests." My mouth dropped two arrests what. " Josh Brooks for abusing a child, Alison Brooks for running away from home and stealing money from her father," I'm arrested what they stood me up and put my hands behind my back and handcuffed me. "Cameron, I love you," They took me out of the room and put me against the wall, I don't even know if I will ever see Cam agian.

Cameron's POV

"Alison Alieand Brooks, will live with no one in this room, but we do have two arrests." What she isn't living with me anymore. "Josh Brooks for abusing a child, Alison Brooks for running away and stealing money from her father." What no they can't arrest her they stood her up and handcuffed her. "Cameron, I love you." I stood up and tried to reach her but they pushed me off her. "Stay strong," they shut the door. "Josh will be in jail for 20 years and Alison for 1 week and 4 days." What I wasn't able to see her for a week and 4 days. I fell to the floor and started crying.

My mom came and sat me down. "Honey, we're gonna try and get and get her out, maybe we can bail her out." I nodded, I walked to the judge and asked "Am I able to visit her?" She nodded and said "Yes, you can see her three times a week for 40 minutes." I nodded and left. I told my mom "We can see her three times a week for 40 minutes." I still cried I walked out and I saw them putting Alison against the wall taking anything she has like her phone, they also took her earrings off.

I saw and she was crying. "Alison be strong I will see you soon, I promise." She nodded and they took her outside. I followed them and they put her in a police car. I cried even harder, the view of her crying and about to go to jail. My parents decided we will stay in Arizona until she gets out. We went back to the hotel and I went into the room me and Alison were sharing and cried.

Alison's POV

We arrived at jail and they put my phone and earrings in a bag. They took my mugshot and then gave me a orange jumpsuit. I put it on, and they took me to my jail cell. They took the handcuffs off and put in there. They locked the door and I sat down on the bed. I started crying, why am I in jail I had a good reason to run away. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I just cried myself to sleep. I woke up to a loud alarm. They unlocked my jail cell and we formed a line we went to to the cafeteria.

They gave me my tray and the food looked disgusting, "Your new, so if you don't finish your food, you get punished." The police told me. I nodded and ate this food is disgusting but I have to finish it, I finished it and they put us back in the jail cell. I threw up quietly in my toilet I flushed it and went on my bed. I stared at the wall. "There is someone her to see you." I looked at the police man and he unlocked my cell and put my handcuffs back on.

I followed him into this room Cameron was sitting their with red puffy eyes. I was already crying. They police shoved me in their and closed the door. "You have 40 minutes," I nodded and sat down. I held his hands, it was a little hard with the hand cuffs.

Cameron's POV

When I saw her walk in she looked awful, her eyes were red and her hair was all in a messy ponytail. She still looked beautiful in my perspective, she sat down and grabbed my hands it must of been hard for her because she had handcuffs on. I wiped her tears and she told me "Cameron, it's awful here, I miss you, I can't even sleep I need you, I have to cry myself to sleep. The food here is gross and I had to throw it up. I just threw it up, it's the grossest thing you will ever eat." I nodded and told her "I only get to see you 3 times a week for forty minutes, let's not talk about this. Let's just talk and be happy. We are gonna try and bail you out, but if we can't be strong, for me, your mom and brother."

She nodded and smiled. "I love you Cameron," I smiled and told her "I love you too." We started talking and talking and I just didn't want her to think about her being in jail right now. I love her and miss her so much. It's not the same, my life changed when I met her and it's not ever gonna be the same again I need her. A loud buzzer rung. A cop came in and took Alison, "Bye Alison I love you, stay strong." She smiled and tried to get to me but the police carried her and shut the door.

I signed out and went back to the hotel. "Mom, we have to bail her out, it's horrible seeing her in this condition, go see her for yourself, she suffering so much. Please." I started crying and my mom told me she was gonna visit her in a hour. I nodded and went to my room.

Ashely POV

I looked at my wrist and noticed they didn't take my bracelet away. I hid it in my jumpsuit so they wouldn't find it. I looked at it and played with the charms. I missed my mom, brother, and Cameron and his family so much. Jail is a horrible place and I never wanna be here agian. The police man told me another person is her to see me. He handcuffed me again and took me to the same room, it was Cameron's mom. I started crying now.

She looked at me with sad eyes I sat down and she spoke up "Alison, we are doing the best we can to bail you out, we gonna get money and try. You suffered so much and we don't want that to happen again. We love you and Cameron's life has changed ever since you came, he needs you in his life." She got up and left. I started crying and the police took me back.

I fell asleep finally and I didn't wanna wake up, the world is so hard and all I wanna do is see Cameron.

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