Chapter 10

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Alison's POV
"Today we are gonna decide if Alison Aleiand Brooks, is gonna live with her father or the Dallas family." The judge said. "Mrs.Brooks please approach the stand." I looked at Cameron and he said "Don't worry, just tell them the truth." I nodded and walked slowly to the stand.

"Mrs.Alison please explain to us the reason you ran away from your fathers house." I played with my fingers and said "Well it's a long story." I looked at the judge and she said "Precede," I nodded and said "Well, it all started 9 years ago, when I was 7. My parents were gonna get divorced. My mom told my father, that she wanted to take me and my brother, because my dad abused me and my brother, plus he didn't really care for us. My dad forced my mother that he was gonna have me. I didn't wanna go with him because he hurt me and didn't like me. My mom didn't agree, so my dad hurt her until she agreed. I cried so bad and then my dad dragged me out the door. I remember seeing my brother and mothers face. My brother was crying and trying to get me but my my mom held him back. My mothers faces that's something I will never forget, her whole forehead was bleeding and she had a huge bruise on her right check, and she was crying and telling me "I love you, and be strong, I will see you soon." My brother was just saying "Run, don't trust him." Imagine a mother and someones take her child and she knows their is nothing she can do to see her child agian. That's how it was.Then my father closed their door and put me in his car and strapped me in. I kept moving but he hit me so I would stop. He hit me so hard I literally saw black and fell asleep." I started crying and I looked at Cameron and his mom they were both in tears.

"Please continue," the jury said. I nodded and continued, "I woke up in my dad new house. It was old and pretty ugly, but I didn't say anything. He carried me and threw me in my room. I remember it perfectly, the paneling was old and coming off. It was a decent size bed and the closet was small. I lived in that room for 9 years, nothing has changed in my room from that day. My father wouldn't cook for me, clean for me, or supply me. I would wear the same clothes and I got new clothes from some people in school. I used to have friends and they would give me makeup and clothes, but then the hated me because my dad. When I went to school I would have bruises and cuts all over me from my dad. That's what I used makeup for, to cover all my injuries. That's basically how I lived."

"So that's why you ran away?" I nodded no and continued. "No, theirs more. Well one day when I was about 11 my mom was gonna pick me up and take me to her house. My father and her made some arrangement that I would live with her for a few months. On her way to my fathers house, she was in a car crash with my brother. They didn't make it they both died. They only thing I have left from them is really nothing. I have this small blanket my mom mailed me for my birthday. From my brother nothing except his crying terrified face when my father took me. I used to have a picture of us but my dad burned it, it in front of me. It was like if all my memories of him and me were token from me and burned into a million pieces. Imagine the people you love the most gone and all the things you have left of them burned."

I took a small pause, cause I crying to much, I wiped some tears and continued. "Almost every night, since I have lived with my dad I would cry myself to sleep thinking of them, that's the only way I could sleep, I would have to cry until I was tired and that's how I would sleep. School didn't help, besides not having to see my dad. I got bullied and made fun of because my dad. That all changed on my last day of school. I finished my breakfast and I was bout to go walk to school. I opened the door and my dad was standing their and he looked furious. He asked me "Where do you think your going." I looked at my shoes and told him school it's my last day. He grabbed me and told me that "why was I leaving without seeing him, and that I needed to learn a lesson. Everytime he told I need to learn my lesson I knew I would get hurt. He threw me against the wall and punched me telling me, "Oh do you miss your mom, or your dumb brother, well their not here your stuck with me." I would get crushed every time he told me that. I missed my mom and brother so much and he would always bring them up and make fun of them."

"After he finished hitting me he left and told me I'm not going to school and to go to my room. I quickly grabbed my bag and saw that my dad dropped $50 I ran to my room and quickly packed my things. I finally had money I can run away to California. I jumped out my window and ran to the bus station. I got my ticket and got on the bus. I fell asleep and someone woke me up and that's when I met Cameron Dallas." I smiled at him and wiped my tears. "That's why I ran away," I looked around and a lot of people were crying.

"How did life change for you?" I wiped the remaining tears, and said "Oh, you have no idea how much my life changed. Cameron took me home that night and for once I had a nice homemade dinner that his mom made me. I learned what soda and coca cola was. The next day I learned what skateboarding, Popeyes, mini golf, and tutti frutti were. Their delicious and mini golf is much fun to play. The next day, his mom took me shopping, were she bought me so many new clothes, shoes, a phone, and she let me get my ears pierced, and highlights. I was so happy and thankful for them that's something I would never be able to repay."

I looked at Cameron and he was smiling. "They also gave me a room and bought me a bunch of new stuff. That was the best month I have ever had since I have lived with my dad. They made my life so much better."

"Thank you Mrs.Brooks you may take your seat." I nodded and sat down next to Cameron, I grabbed his hand. "Cameron may you approach the stand." He nodded and walked their and took a seat. "Now Cameron, you were the one who found Alison on the bus correct." He nodded and said "Yes" "Now describe to us exactly how you found her."
"He looked at me and said oh it was horrible. I saw her their and I thought she was really pretty I took a seat next to her. I woke her up telling her we were almost there. I saw lots of cuts and bruises all over her, I stared at her and there was a huge bruise under her right eye. And her forehead had some dry blood all over it. She had lots of bruises on her back, arms, and legs."

"Mr.Brooks please approach the stand." My dad stood up and took the stand, Cameron sat back down next to me and grabbed my hand. "Mr.Brooks who do you think Alison should live with you." He looked at me and then the judge "Well, I'm her father, she my daughter, and I don't think the Dallas family takes good care of her. While she lived with them she was in coma." I looked at Cameron and he looked back at me. "How do he know." I whispered to Cam he shrugged. "Is this true Mrs. Brooks" I nodded and said "Yes I was in coma for 2 weeks and 5 days." She nodded.

"Ok, I have my answer Alison Aleiand Brooks, will live with ........"

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