Chapter 24

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Cameron's POV

Right when I told her she got pretty mad at me. She ran off into the street. I called for her, and ran after for her but then she was hit by a truck. "Alison!" I ran to her and called 911. I started crying like crazy. "Hurry please, my girlfriend ran into the street and isn't responding." After about five minutes they arrived and I rode in the back with. I called my mom.

I was crying so bad. "Mom," "Honey what's wrong?" I sniffled looking at Alison."Alison ran into the street and got hit by a truck." "Honey, oh my gosh I'm on my way." I nodded and hung up. We arrived at the hospital and the got her out I went with her, but a nurse stopped me. "Let me go with her, I need to be with her, you don't understand." I started punching against them. "Sir, you can't go with her their gonna perform surgery on her." I fell to the floor crying and they guided me to a seat in the waiting room.

My came rushing in and ran to me. "Honey, it's gonna be ok, she's gonna be ok." I looked at my mom. "You don't know that, she can be dead." She looked down and started crying. I laid on her shoulder and was dozing off to sleep. I cant believe this is happening, if anything this should have happened to me. I fell asleep minutes later.

I woke up and checked my phone it was 1 in the morning. "Family of Alison Brooks Dallas." My head shot up and I woke my mom up. We walked together to the doctor. "Alison is doing great she doesn't have any serious injuries. She just has a sprained knee." I sighed in relief. "So can I see her?" I asked. He looked at me and spoke, "Yes, but before you see her their might be something you should know." "What?" Me and my mom said at the same time.

"Well the impact when she fell was pretty hard she has memory loss." My heart drops. She doesn't remember me or anything. I started crying. "Do you still wanna see her." I nodded and he guided me to her room. I walked in slowly and saw her their laying in bed with a knee brace around her knee. I walked to her and her eyes opened. "Alison," she looked at me and said. "Who are you?"

My heart dropped and I started crying. "You don't remember me?" She nodded no and I sighed sitting down. "I'm your boyfriend." She gave me a weird look. "Your my boyfriend?" I nodded and she had a small smile. "What's your name, what's my name." "My name is Cameron Dallas. Yours is Alison Brooks Dallas." "We have the same last name." I nodded, "Yeah, my family adopted you so you have the same last name," she nodded. "So what happened to my parents?" I looked at her and she was looking at me.

"Well, hold up its gonna sound weird coming from me. Where's your phone?" she pointed to where her phone was and I grabbed it. I put her password and saw her background was me and her at the park holding hands. I smiled and went threw her contacts. I scrolled through and found the contact Brother 😊. I clicked on it and called him. He answered "Hello,"

"Hi,hum its me Cameron, Alison's boyfriend, she got hit by a truck and is at the hospital." "What!"he screamed. "She is fine just lost her memory and has a sprained knee. Can you come I want her to see you and see if she remembers anything." "Ok.I'm on my way." I hung up and sat on Alison's bed. "Do you wanna see pictures of us?" She nodded and I showed her the pictured on my phone. She scrolled through, and she started crying. "I wish i could remember because it looks like we were so cute and had so many great memories together." I got in the bed and rubbed her back. "It's ok, you'll get it back."

She saw the bracelet on her hand and asked, "What's this?" I smiled remembering when I first gave it to her. "Well, when we met I got you this braclet, look at the charms. They all hold a special memory. The two hearts are for your brother and your mom. The skateboard was from our first kiss. We were at the park and you fell off the skateboard and I caught you then we kissed." She smiled like if she remembered.

"The titanic boat was from when we had our second kiss. We were watching the movie, and when the couple in the movie kissed so did we. Then the Ferris wheel was our third kiss. When you were out of the hospital, we went to the fair and kissed at the top of the Ferris wheel." She smiled and I continued, "Their is also a charm that says my name and the Dallas family. Which is my family, which you love. Then their is a charm that's says I love and I will never leave you. So each charm represents a new memory that means a lot to you." She smirks and kissed my check.

Her brother walked in, "Cameron who is that?" I looked at her and stood up, "This is your older brother Jason. He can tell you your life story." She nodded and he sat next to her. "Alison, we have been really close since we were little. But then it all changed when you were about 10. When you turned 10, our whole family changed. Dad started abusing you, then our parents were gonna get divorced. Mom was supposed to keep both of us, but dad abused her to if he couldn't keep you. Then he left with you and we never saw each other ever agian." I looked at Alison and she was crying.

"Then, me and mom were gonna get you, I was so happy to get my sister back. But then me and mom were in a car crash. You thought both of us were dead, but I survived the crash and mom didn't. I have been living with our aunt ever since."

"Wait, why don't I live with you and our aunt?" I never thought of that what if she wanted to leave me and live with her brother. "Well, at the beginning of the summer you ran away from your dad and bought a ticket to California. You used to live in Arizona, then you met me on the bus. I took you to my family and we have been taking care of you ever since. You barely met your brother a few days ago." She nodded and looked at her braclet. "So when can I go home?" "I don't know let me call the doctor."

I walked out and found a doctor. I brought him to Alison and hey told us she can go home. I walked out with Alison,but before we walked out she stopped. "Uh, Cameron I'm gonna live with Jason." What she wants to live with him. "Oh, I started crying and hugged her bye. I went with my mom I the car. I can't believe she is gonna leave me.

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