Chapter 47

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Alison's POV

Matthew pushed Cameron and Cameron punched him. I quickly got up and got in between of them. Matthews fist hit my face and I fell to the floor. I grabbed my face with my hand. "Look what you guys did! You guys both had to sit next to her and Matthew you clearly can't control your anger because you just punched Alison in the face." I heard Valerie yell.

"It was an accident." "Accident my butt." I mumbled. Someone picked me up and I felt us going outside. I opened my other eye and it was Cameron. "Are you okay?" I shrugged. "Let me see your face." I nodded no. "Come on Alison." I uncovered my face and he gasped. "What is it that bad."

"You want the truth or a lie." "The truth." He said, "Well your check and eye are swelling up." I quickly covered my face. "How embarrassing." He put me down and sat me down next to him. We sat on one of the steps. "Alison I know we're not dating but you look beautiful no matter what." I looked up.

"Maybe but I look ugly right now." Valerie came out with a bag of ice. She handed it to Cam and went back in. Cameron moved me onto his lap, I was facing him. He moved my hand that was over my eye and he slowly but the ice on my face. "I can hold it." "It's ok this doesn't bother me."

I nodded and all the boys came outside. "Alison here is your drink and taco." I smiled and took a bite of my taco. "Do you want some." I put the taco by Cameron's mouth and he bit it.

I bit another piece and I kept giving some to Cam, when we finished he picked me up and took me to the limo. "Cameron you do know that she bruised her face not her legs right." Matthew told Cam.

"Matthew why are you being such a jerk, at least he is helping me. You didn't even tell me sorry and your the one who caused this." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well who started it? Me or Cam!" "You! Cameron got their first and you complained just cause you couldn't set next to me." He got closer to me and Cam and he put me down and put me behind his back.

"Leave Alison alone, she didn't do anything to you. She was trying to stop before one of us got hurt, because she cares about us." I looked at Matt and he just rolled his eyes and got in the limo. I went in and was gonna sit down but Matt shoved me. "I'm saving that spot." I rolled my eyes and Cameron pulled me onto his lap.

I smiled and kissed Cams check. I looked at Matthew and he gave me a look. "Can you stop looking at me." "Well I wasn't looking at you." I rolled my eyes and went on my phone.

I took a picture of me and Cam and commented, I'm hurt but Cammy boo is taking care of me. He liked it and commented, I will always take care of you. I smiled and commented back. Aww thanks your a true friend. I looked at him and smiled.

He commented 😘. I smiled and we arrived at the hotel. He picked me up again and he carried me upstairs. "Can I stay in your room I don't wanna stay with Matthew." He nodded and took me to his room. He put me down and I grabbed all my stuff.

I was about to walk out with Cam but Matthew apperaed. "Where are you going?" "None of your business." "Alison don't be like that." I gave him a look. "Are you serious, oh my gosh Matthew. I thought I could trust you, we were friends since we were kids. I can't believe your like this now." "Ali we are still friends, I mean come on this was nothing."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah this is nothing." I said pointing to my face, "Just don't talk to me and leave me alone Matthew." I pushed him out of the way and walked with Cam to his room.

Valerie and Nash were in their. They stared at me and Cam. I waved, "Something I can help you with?" They nodded no. I laughed and I sat on the bed and Cameron came to me and gave me a new ice pack because the other one was melting.

He sat in front of me and put it on my eye. "Cameron how bad does it look now?" He took the ice pack off. "I don't know, you look beautiful to me." I blushed. I got up and went to the restroom. I screamed and Cameron came in.

My eye looked purple and all swelled up. It looked gross. "What's wrong Alison why did you scream." "Cameron how do I look beautiful my face looks ugly." He got closer to me. "Alison you look beautiful to me." He turns me around.

"You wanna know what I see?" I nodded. He put his head on my shoulder. "I see the most beautiful girl on earth. She has the most beautiful brown hazel hair, with the cutest smile that can light up a whole room. She has the most adorable eyes, she has a mixture of hazel and brown. She has a perfect body, and to me she is the definition of perfect."

I blushed. "Aww." Me and Cameron turned and Nash and Valerie were at the doorway of the restroom. "Just kiss her already." Nash said. Cameron shrugged and leaned in. I leaned in too and we kissed. He carried me and I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Ok that's enough you nasties." We both pulled back and smiled.

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