Chapter 51

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Alison's POV

"I'm hungry." Jessica told Hayes. "Let's go to Jack." Hayes said. "Ok, but who is gonna take us." "Taylor can you drive me and Jessica to Jack." He nodded. "I'll go too. "I said. "Do you guys want anything we are going to Jack? I asked. Everyone told me what they want and I kept their orders on my phone.

We went to outside and Taylor was driving and Hayes sat in the passenger seat. I didn't argue I just in the back with Jessica. "To Jack in the box we go." Taylor said causing me to to laugh. We got on the freeway because Jack was like a 10 minute drive from our house. Taylor cranked up the music and we started dancing and playing around.

We were almost their and then a car slams into right side were Hayes was sitting and were I was sitting. I screamed and then everything went black.

Jessica's POV

We were on our way to Jack and everything was fine until a car slams into the side of the car were Alison and Hayes were sitting. I saw Hayes and Alison crushed and bleeding and I looked at Taylor and then everything went black.

Taylor's POV

I was driving Jessica, Hayes, and Alison to Jack so we can get everyone's food. I was driving and we were almost their, I'm about to switch lanes but then a car slams into the side were Alison and Hayes were. I just heard screams come from Alison and Jessica and then things went black.

Cameron's POV

It's been thirty minutes and Hayes, Jessica, Taylor, and Alison still weren't back. "Guys, they are taking a long time. Jack isn't that far from our house. It's like seven minutes away." I said. Everyone looked at each other and I tried calling all of them. "None of them are answering their phones."

Shawn was flipping through channels then something caught all of our eyes. It was the news and it was about a car acccident. "That's Taylor's car!" Matthew practically screamed. "Oh shit," me and Nash said. Minutes later me and Nash's phones rang. I quickly answered.

"Hello," "Hi yes are you related to Alison's Brooks Dallas." "Uh. Yes, my parents adopted her." "Well, she was in a car accident. It was pretty bad, and she is injured." I felt like I was shot hearing that. I started crying. "Can I see her." "Yes," "Ok," They hung up.

"Guys their at the hospital let's go!" We all ran to the cars we got in both of them. Shawn drove, because me and Nash were crying. We arrived in about five minutes. We got out and me and Nash walked up to a nurse.

"Hi, my sister and his brother were in a car accident, can we please see them." "What are their names?" I wiped some of my tears. "Hayes Grier and Alison Brooks Dallas. We also know Taylor Caniff, and Jessica Whitesides." She nodded and looked at the computer screen.

"Ok, you can visit Taylor Caniff and Jessica Whitesides right now." "Why can't we see Alison and Hayes." Me and Nash said at the same time. "Hayes is in surgery right now and Alison is getting stitches done." We nodded.

I looked at Nash and he was crying so bad right now. "Cameron that's my brother, what if he isn't okay." I hugged him. "Hayes is gonna be okay." "You don't know that." I sighed and we walked back to everyone.

"Well what did they say?" Jacob asked. "Well we can visit, Jessica and Taylor. Hayes is in surgery and Alison is getting stitches right now." Everyone nodded. "I'm gonna go see Jessica." We nodded and him and Mahogany got up and left to see her.

"I'm gonna go see Taylor wanna come Nash?" He nodded and walked to Taylor's door. I opened it and we walked in. Taylor looked bruised up, and he had a IV in him. He looked up at us and started crying. "I am so sorry." He managed to say in between sobs.

"Taylor it's okay, you couldn't control that car coming into the car." "No it's my fault," "Taylor, it's not your fault." Nash told him. "You don't have to apologize." He sighed. "So when can you leave?" I asked. "I don't know." I nodded. A doctor came in, "Can you two boys please step outside." We nodded and did what they doctor asked.

"Okay, Hayes is out of surgery." Nash's face lit up. "So he is okay?" He said. "Well, the surgery was a success and he is doing okay." That's great." Nash said cutting the doctor off. "Theirs one thing, he is in comma. We aren't really sure if he is gonna wake up their is only a 15% he will make it alive." Nash's smile faded.

"What! They has to be something you can do! You can't let my little brother die!" He fell to the floor and cried. "I'm sorry but their isn't anything we can do."

Nash's POV

Hearing the doctor say their was nothing they can do to save Hayes was like someone shooting me multiple times. My heart was cracked. I love Hayes he is my little brother and he is a amazing brother. I don't know what I would without him.

Cameron's POV

I just nodded. "Can we see him or Alison?" "Yes you may see Hayes and Alison, she is still getting some stitches done, it I will inform you when you can see her." I nodded and helped Nash up. I hugged him and rubbed his back. I can't imagine what he is feeling right now. I now it almost killed me when Alison was in coma.

We walked back to the waiting room and Valerie stood and ran to me and Nash. Nash hugged her. "Babe, Hayes isn't okay, he only has a 15% chance of living." Valerie stared crying too. It was so sad watching my best friend cry. I started crying even more, Hayes was like a brother to me too.

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