Chapter 57

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Alison's POV

We pulled back and smiled, "Uh, we should probably get back its getting pretty late." He said looking at the sunset. "Uh, yeah, but I con't wanna go back." I shivered. "You cold?" I nodded and he took his jacket off. "Here." I smiled. "Thanks." I put it on and we both stood up. He grabbed my hand and his hand fit nice with mine.

We walked back home hand in hand. I liked it like this. We arrived home about fifteen minutes later. He opened the door for me without letting go of my hand. I thanked him and we both walked in.

All the boys stopped jumping and around and talking and looked at us. "Are you guys dating?" Taylor asked, I looked at Matt and he looked at me. I smiled at the thought and he nodded no. We walked to the couch and we sat down.

"Hey Alison I wanna introduce you to someone." Shawn said holding hands with a girl. She was shorter then him and had dark brown hair to her shoulders. She was cute she a cute smile with braces. She was wearing some light blue jeans with a cute pink top. "Alison, this is my girlfriend, Kristine." She smiled and waved.

"Hey, Kristine. I'm Alison." She nodded. "That's a cute name." I smiled. "Thanks," Shawn walked away with her. "She seems nice." I told Matt and he nodded. "Wanna go to my room." He nodded and got up. "Race you." He said with a smirk. "Your on." We both ran up and he beat me.

"I win I win." He said like a little kid. I shrugged and went to my room he laughed and followed me. I sat on the bed and he did too. "So, how is your life right now?" I really didn't wanna answer this question, and I didn't wanna lie so I just shrugged.

He nodded, "Uh, Alison I wanna ask you something." I looked at him. "What?" He stood up and stood me up. "Alison Alieand Brooks Dallas, will you be my girlfriend? I have known you since we were little and I have always sorta had a crush on you." I smiled and kissed him.

He kissed back and after a few seconds I pulled back, "Does that answer your question." He smiled and nodded. "Your so cute." He smiled and pecked my lips. "Wanna get some thing to eat?" I nodded and he carried me downstairs. I smiled and held on to him.

He set me down and I kissed his check. "Thanks for carrying me babe." He smiled and kissed my check back. "Anything for you." I smiled and looked at he boys and some of their girlfriends all their eyes were on us. I looked at Cameron and his eyes saddened. He got up and ran outside.

I sighed. "I will be right Matt." He nodded and I pecked his lips. He smiled and I ran outside. Cameron was no where in sight. I figured he would be at the park so I ran their. I looked around and saw him on the bench were we had our first kiss. His head was in his hands and I could hear him crying.

I walked up to him and sat next to him. He looked up and looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy. "Cameron." "Alison, can you leave me alone." I stood up and started walking away and then stopped. I turned back and got in front him.

He looked up at me. "Cameron is this because I'm dating a Matt." He sighed and didn't answer. "Cameron tell me, I'm your best friend." He nodded. "Yeah, Alison I love you ever since I saw you and I just want you to be mine." I sighed and sat next to him.

"Cameron, I love you and Matt equally. I need you both in my life and you two have changed my life, you guys made it better. I love you but I need a best friend too. Won't you be my best friend." I said wiping some of his tears, he nodded.

"Yeah I'm your best friend I should be happy that your with Matt." I smiled and kissed his check. "Thanks, best friend." He nodded and we both got up and walked back to the house. He opened the door and we entered everyone was on the couch talking and playing around with each other.

"Alison." I heard someone call I turn around and I am smacked with whipped cream. I look to see Taylor laughing. "Taylor I'm gonna murder you!" He started running and I chased after him. He ran and he ran outside into the backyard. He stopped in front of the pool.

"Alison you should have seen your face." I did a fake smile and pushed him in the pool. I stared laughing and he got out of the pool. "Aww Alison I am pretty sure you wanna hug." I walked backwards. "No thanks Taylor." I turned around and ran. I ran inside and ran to Matt. "Matthew protect me." He looked at me.

"Procter you from what?" "Taylor I said pointing to him. Everyone started laughing because he was wet. Matthew carried me and put me on his shoudlers. "I won't get Alison, we are even now." I nodded and Matthew put me down.

"Let's make cookies!" Shawn said. We all agreed and went to the kitchen. Shawn and Kristine started getting the ingredients out. I opened the bag of flour and poured some in my hand. "Taylor." He tuned and I slapped him with flour.

He threw flour at me but missed he hit Cameron instead. Cameron got some flour and he hit Carter. Soon enough we were all throwing flour and making a mess. Shawn and Kristine stayed focused and made cookies together. I smiled they were so cute, then someone threw flour in my mouth.

I threw some back at everyone and then Cameron's mom walked in with the twins. She gasped and we all stopped. "Oh my gosh, my kitchen! Cameron Alexander Dallas, Alison Brooks Dallas, Hamilton Nash Grier, and Hayes Benjamin Grier. I don't know the rest of your middle names but I will. What were guys thinking. Guys just go into the pool or something and wash off. Then you guys are gonna clean this off." We nodded and I felt someone pick me up.

I turned and it was Matthew, we all went outside and went into the pool. All the flour came off of us and we were just messing around. Today was a good day.

The Only Thingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن