Chapter 38

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Alison's POV

We were all done getting ready, and we all went downstairs. We went outside and we would have to take both cars. "Cameron, I wanna ride with you." I said. He nodded and grabbed my hand, he opened the door for me and I got in. I put my seatbelt on and he closed the door. Nash, Valerie, Kylie and Brandon sat in the very back. Hayes and Jessica, and Carter and Matthew were squished in the back.

The rest of them drove in another car. Cameron was driving and I put the radio on. We all started singing really loud. They were taking vines in the back and Nash and Valerie were acting all cute. Cameron grabbed my hand and used the other one to drive.

After of about twenty minutes we arrived at the bowling alley. We all got out of the car and Cameron grabbed my hand. We walked hand in hand in and Cameron talked to a guy behind the counter. I stood their not knowing what to do.

Cameron handed me some shoes. "When you go bowling you have to wear these shoes so you don't slip." I nodded and put them on. He tied my shoes and I smiled. I jumped on his back and he carried me.

He got two balls, one blue one and a green. He put me down and handed me the green one. He showed me how to use it. He did it first and got all the pines down. I smiled and tried but failed. "Here," he stood behind me, and grabbed the ball with my hand and rolled it. I smiled because I almost got all of them. "Yay!" He laughed and hugged me.

Jessica's POV

We decided to go bowling and Hayes was getting my shoes, Kylie pulled aside. "Hey Kylie what's up?" She gave me a look. "You know, what's up, you knew I liked Hayes and your flirting with him." What, I couldn't believe she was telling me this, she has a boyfriend.

"What the fuck, you have a boyfriend, you shouldn't be telling me this. It's not my fault Hayes likes me and not you. What's wrong with you!" I turned back and started walking to Hayes.

I fell to the floor because Kylie tackled me. She tried punching me but missed. "What's wrong with you Kylie get off of me! Help!" I started fighting back and Cameron pulled her off. Hayes picked me up and helped me. "Are you ok?"

I shrugged, I tried standing up but fell. "Ow," "What's wrong Jessica?" "It's my knee," he looked at my knee and it was swollen. He picked me up bridal style. He took me over to everyone. "What's wrong Jessica?" Alison asked. "Kylie she fought me."

Her mouth dropped. "Why?" "I'll tell you later." She nodded and we decided to go home. He carried me to the car, and we sat on the back. He left me on his lap. "Thanks Hayes. For carrying me." He smiled. "Anytime." I looked out the window and Alison, Cameron, and Alison were yelling.

Cameron's POV

I don't know what's been happening to Kylie. First she pushes my girlfriend off their chair and now she fights Jessica. "Kylie what has gotten into you, first you pushed Alison out of her chair for her telling me about Hayes. Now you fight Jessica! What's wrong with you, why did you fight Jessica?"

She started crying. "Tell me Kylie! Now!" "Well, Hayes likes her and so do I. I don't want Hayes liking her, I want him to like me." "Kylie, that makes no sense. You have a boyfriend!" "Don't you think I know that Cameron!"

"Then why are you liking other guys what's so special about Hayes." "Nothing Cameron." She rolled her eyes and tried to leave. I held her and stood her their. She tried to fight back but I'm stronger. "Kylie, you should be happy for Jessica if she gets with Hayes that's your best friend. Plus you shouldn't be liking other people either way."

She just left into the other car. I got in the car and Alison sat in the passenger seat. The rest of the group came back.

Alison's POV

I got in the car and in the passenger seat. I sat their and the boys and Valerie were coming. Nash came and opened my door. "Nash I'm sitting here." He carried me out. "No your not." "Ok then," I got in the back with Valerie. I sat next to her and Matthew.

"Hey Valerie." She waved at me. "Your really pretty Alison." "Thanks, your really pretty too." She smiled. I liked her I feel like we can become best friends. "So how did you and Nash meet?" "Oh, well I was walking one day and tripped and he caught me. I new him before but we never talked. Until that day." Nash turned his head. "I remember that was a good day." Valerie smiled.

"I had a really good sandwich that day." He laughed and Valerie pushed him. "I'm kidding babe. I love you." She smirked, "I love you too. So Alison how did you and Cameron meet?" I smiled remembering that day.

"Well, I ran away from home because my dad abused me. I took a bus to California and Cameron was on that bus. He saw me all bruised up and hurt so he took me in. His family adopted me, and now I live with him." She nodded. "How long have you guys been dating?" I asked.

"Me and Nash have been dating for five months. How long have you and Cameron been dating?" "Well for almost a month." She nodded. Cameron looked at me through one of the mirrors. I smiled and so did he. "We're did you get that bracelet it's really cute." I smiled and looked down at it.

Matthew and Carter got in the conversation. "Yeah, we're did you buy it at?" Matthew asked. "Yeah, it's adorable." Carter said. I laughed and punched him. "Well damm." We all laughed. "Well, Cameron got it for me, he gives me a different charm for special occasions." she smiled, "That's cute, Cameron." He smiled.

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