Chapter 61

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Alison's POV

I didn't know where I was going I just followed my feet. "Alison watch out." I turned around and saw Cameron yelling at me. I turned back around and I hit something and everything went black.

Cameron's POV

Alison started running away and I started following her. She was about to hit something so I shouted. "Alison watch out." She turned and looked at me and then she turned back around and hit. I quickly sprinted to her and picked her up. I brought her to the group and they made space for her.

I laid her down on the blanket and she started to wake up. Her eyes flickered opened and our eyes locked. I smiled and so did she. "What happened?" She said rubbing her head. "You were running and you ran into a pole." She nodded and got up. "Can we go home?" she asked. She obviously wanted to go home because she has gotten nothing but hurt here.

"You sure?" I asked. She nodded, I got up and pulled he up. "Let's go home guys. We can do something their." Everyone nodded and we walked to Nash's car. I sat with Alison in the back and Nash and Valerie sat in the front. Alison laid her head on me and she fell asleep.

We arrived home, about a hour later and I carried Alison inside. I laid her on the couch carefully so she wouldn't wake up. I went to the kitchen where my mom was cooking. "Hey honey how was the beach? Did you and Alison have a good day." I sat down. "Well, not really." She looked up at me.

"Why? What happened?" "Well, me and Alison kissed and then Matthew saw and said hurtful things to her and they broke up. Then Alison ran and hit a pole so she knocked out. But she is okay now. She is sleeping on the couch." Her mouth dropped. "Why did you kiss her?"

"Why do you assume I kissed her?" She gave me a look. "Did you kiss her." I nodded no. "She kissed me." Her eyes went back to the food. "Oh." I nodded and Alison walked in. Her hand was on her head. "Does your head hurt?" My mom asked and Alison nodded. She went into the medicine cabinet and got her Advil. She gave it to Alison and she ate it.

"I will be upstairs." Alison said turning around. I sighed and followed her. "Alison it's our birthday, you really wanna spend it in your room alone." She nodded and I sighed. "Can I at least go with you." She nodded and we entered her room. She laid on her bed and so did I. I laid not to her and we stared at the roof.

"I have something for you," she looked at me. "Why is it?" I looked at the roof. "You will see. We leave at 8." She looked at her phone and then back at me. "Fine, but can you at least tell me where we are going." I nodded no and she sighed.

I got up and walked to her closet. I picked out some white shorts, with a aqua colored crop top. I picked up her white converse and I handed them to her. "This is what you should wear. Oh and you should straighten your hair." She looked at me and then at the clothes. She smiled.

She stood up and took the clothes. "Your impossible." I smiled and she laughed and walked into the restroom. I checked my phone and it was 6:32. I smiled at myself, I know Alison is gonna like this.

I walked into the restroom and she was straightening her hair. I sat on the counter, and watched her. "Cam, can you get my makeup bag from the drawer." I nodded and got it out. I zipped it open and started looking through it. "You know why do girls have to use so much makeup. They always look better without makeup." She laughed.

"Cause girls feel that they look ugly without makeup. So with makeup they think they look pretty." I looked at her. "I think, you look beautiful both ways. But I like it when you don't put any makeup on. Cause you don't need it."

She smiled. Matthew popped up in the doorway and Alison's smile faded away. "Can I talk to you alone?" He told her. She looked at me and then at him. "No, Matthew what is not clear about I hate you. That means I don't like you and I don't wanna talk to you." He sighed. "Cameron, I need to talk to you too."

I looked at him and walked out with him. "What do you want Matthew?" He looked me in the eye. "Look, I know I said those things to her but I still love her and I didn't mean anything I said. I know she still loves you so can you please take care of her and make sure she is safe and that she knows she is loved. I know how much she loves you and how much you love her."

I nodded. "Of course, I promise." He smiled and went downstairs. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Mom, where is it?" She handed it to me and I put it in the backseat of my truck. My dad is letting me borrow his blue truck for the day. I went back inside and went upstairs to Alison's room.

She was putting mascara on. She had a white bow in her hair. She finished her makeup. I'm almost ready, I'm just gonna change." I nodded and went to my room. I put on some black jeans with a red shirt. I also put my jacket on. I walked to the restroom and did my hair. Seconds later Alison walked in.

She looked so beautiful. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded. I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs. I opened the door for her and we walked out. We both got on the car and I handed her one of Taylor's bandannas that he let me borrow. She looked at me. "Seriously?" I nodded and she put it on.

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