Chapter 22

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Alison's POV

I can't believe I am officially Cameron Dallas girlfriend I am so happy. I love him so much he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Today is the first day of school, I am so nervous what if the kids don't like me like my old school. I quickly snapped out of it. I walked into my closet and got a cute flower skirt and a a mint t shirt. I tucked it in and put my white chucks on. I curled my hair and walked into Cameron's room. He was putting his pants on, "Cameron I need makeup," he buttoned his pants and gave me a look. "You don't need makeup, your mine and I think your beautiful."

I gave him a look and made puppy dog eyes. He looked at me and sighed, "Fine," he walked to his drawer and pulled out my makeup bag. He got eyeliner, mascara, and blush out. He handed it to me and I kissed his check he smiled and hugged me. "Cam, I need to do my makeup," we walked and he didn't let go. I started doing my makeup and his hands were around my waist. "I love you Aliosn," I smiled and said the same.

We finished and I took a picture of us. I grabbed his hand and walked downstairs with him. His mom had breakfast ready, she smiled and winked at me. I hid my face cause I was blushing and started eating. I finished and I checked my phone. It was barely 7:00. I grabbed my backpack and put it on I also grabbed Cameron's and handed it to him. We kissed our mom bye and I got in Cameron's car, we drove off and he parked in the school parking lot.

He got out and opened my door, I reached for his hand and got off. I closed the door and he grabbed my hand. We walked into the office, and the lady asked, "Names?" I stayed quiet and Cameron said, "Cameron Dallas, and Alison Brooks Dallas." She nodded and got our schedules. She handed it to us and Cameron got them. We walked out and he looked at the schedule. His eyes scanned both of our schedules, he handed me mine, and said "We have third, fourth, fifth, and sixth together," I nodded and looked at it, "That's good enough, because we also have lunch," he nodded and grabbed my hand, I will walk you to class." I nodded and told him, "Cameron I'm scared, what if they don't like me," he stopped walking and stood in front of me. "Alison, they will love you please just don't think of the negative for me," I nodded and he walked me.

"Our classes are close to each other so, I can stay here for awhile," I nodded and I had so many butterflies in my stomach I'm so nervous and I can't stop shaking. "Are you cold?" He asked, I nodded no and he said, "Stop, being nervous, trust me you will be fine, if you want I can walk you to all your periods." I looked at him and said "Please," he nodded and kissed my check, "I have to go to class, I will see you during passing period." I nodded and kissed his check. I smiled and hugged him. "Don't worry you will do fine,"

I nodded and walked into class, I walked in slowly and took a seat. The bell rang and the teacher said, "Good morning class, the seat you chose is were you will be sitting, I am gonna take attendence." She said a bunch of names and then she said one that caught my eye, "Jason Brooks," I looked around the room and then a boy said here. Could that be, no it can't he is dead. People have the same last name all the time. "Alison Brooks Dallas," I raised my hand and said here. I looked over at Jason and he was staring at me, I quickly looked down. "Ok class, we are going to be doing a project with partners you are going to do a poster about you and your partner, this won't be homework this is a class project. You may pick your partner, please begin."

I looked up and stayed sitting, Jason walked over to me. "Alison is that you," I looked at him and he stared at me, I stared at him and he had all the features that my brother had. "Jason," he nodded and took a seat next to me. "I thought you were dead," I started crying because I can't believe my brother has been alive all this time. Jason hugged me "Alison, I missed you so much, you have no idea." I smiled and wiped away my tear.

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