Chapter 34

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Alison's POV

We arrived home and Eduardo was leaving. I hugged him bye, "Bye, drive safe I'll text you later." He smiled and nodded. He drove out of the drove way and I went inside. I helped Kylie onto the couch since she is on crutches now. "Alison can I talk to you?" Cameron asked.

"No." "Come on Alison don't act like that." I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. "Alison, stop acting like a brat and let me talk to you." "Oh, I'm the one acting like a brat. Have you seen yourself lately? Your the one getting jealous over the smallest things. Thanks to you, Eduardo doesn't feel comfortable hanging around me when your there. Thanks, for ruining a great friendship I was having with him."

Cameron rolled his eyes. "Whatever that's his fault." "No it's not! That's your fault Cameron! I can't even believe you right now! We're threw, I'm done wasting my time loving you! I would rather enjoy being abused by dad then be in love with you!"

I started crying, and I left the room and ran to my room. I grabbed my suitcase, went to my closet and put a bunch of my clothes in their. I packed clothes, my essentials, my razors and bandages, and shoes. I zipped it up and opened my door, I walked out until Cameron stopped me.

"Cameron let me go," he was crying. "No, Alison, I can't let the best thing that has ever happened out of my life. I'm so sorry. Alison I didn't mean anything I said I was just mad. " "I don't care Cameron, it's your fault that the best thing that has ever happened to you is leaving." I pushed him and he fell to the floor crying.

I opened the door and walked out. I wiped my tears and started walking. I called Edurado, he answered after the first ring. "Eduardo, can you pick me up?" "Why, what happened Alison?" "Just pick me up I will explain later," "Ok I'm on my way."

I sat in the curb and waited and after about ten minutes he came. I put my luggage in his trunk and got in the car. "What happened Alion?" "Me and Cameron broke up." I started full on crying. "Alison calm down your gonna get a panic attack."

I tried calming down but I couldn't, I stared shaking and my heart was racing. The car stopped and Eduardo picked me up and put me on a couch. He left and came back with water. I drank it, but I wasn't calming down. He laid me on his chest and stroked my hair, but I couldn't calm down. My heart was racing faster and faster by the minute.

Eduardo's POV

Alison wasn't calming down and I knew why. She need Cameron, I grabbed her phone and scrolled through the her contacts. I found him and I called him. He answered and I spoke. "Cameron, get to my house as fast as you can, Alison is having a panic attack and she won't calm down she need you, hurry." I ended the call and texted him my address.

Alison was breathing harder and harder and her eyes were closing. I clapped my hands in front of her face to keep her awake. "Come on Alison stay awake." My door opens and Cameron came to Aliosn. I picked up Alison and handed her to Cameron.

Cameron sat down with her and stroked her hair and back. She was calming down. Her breathing was going back to normal and her heart beat was slowing down. "Thanks goodness you came, you got her to calm down before she passed out." he nodded and watched Alion. She started falling asleep.

"Thanks for calling me, I'm gonna take Alison back home." Cameron said, I nodded and got her stuff and put it in his trunk.

Cameron's POV

Eduardo put his stuff in the car and I put her in the back seat and she laid on Brandon. Kylie sat in the front and I drove us back home. I'm so glad Alison is safe, and didn't pass out. When we got home, I carried Alison's inside and Brandon got her luggage.

I put her on the couch and put a blanket over her. Brandon helped Kylie upstairs and I laid down next to Alison and we fell asleep their.

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