Chapter 20

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Cameron's POV

It has been a month since Alison's been in coma, and today is the last day they are gonna give her. They say their is only a 10% chance that she will wake up. It might be time to let her go but I miss her so much, I can't believe I might lose her. I have been with her since I woke up, I have basically been living in the hospital. They are only 3 more hours that's all their giving her left. I have been crying everyday since she has been in coma.

Right now everyone is in the hospital seeing if she will wake up. My mom is on one of the chairs sleeping with the twins. Then their is my dad next to her, Matthew is on his phone on a chair. I'm in her bed with her, I have been playing with Alison's charm braclet, ever since. I went on my phone for awhile, I had to go to the restroom so I went.

I came out and I didn't hear beeping anymore, no this can't be happening Alison can't be dead. Doctors came in and started disconnecting her wires. I fell to the floor crying and ran to her. "No, stop she is gonna wake up," they pushed me back and said "No, she is dead her heart has stopped we are so sorry,"Once they disconnected everything they left.

I went to Alison and stroked her hair, I can't believe she is gone, Matthew was right by my side and saying, "No, no I just got my best friend back, why," he started kicking and throwing things. I went to him and told him to calm down. "Calm down, Matthew I know this is hard," he starting calming down and I went back to Alison.

I stared at Alison and noticed something, she is breathing agian. I stared at her and saw that she was moving agian. I am so confused how is this possible. I saw her and her eyes flickered open. "Alison," she nodded and got out of the bed and jumped on me, I caught her and spun her around. "I can't believe your alive," she smiled and kissed me on the lips. We kept kissing and I put her on the bed, she dragged me down with her and we didn't let go, I pulled back and smiled.

"I missed you so much, and thanks for the charm." I can't believe she remembered that I gave her a charm. I smiled and told her "Your welcome," Matthew came out of the restroom and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me and jumped, "Oh my gosh Alison, how is this even freakin possible."she smiled and got up she ran to him.

Since she has been in coma for a month her foot healed already. She kissed his check and then she went back to me. "Come on, I have had your clothes her just in case you ever woke up." She nodded and I handed her the clothes. She changed in front of me and Matthew, I'm glad she is not embarrassed to show me her body. When she finished she hugged me and told me.

"Come, on let's go show the doctors they were wrong." I nodded and grabbed her hand and took her to the front desk. "Excuse me," they lady turned and faced me, "Yes, do you need help sir?" I nodded and explained, "Yes, the doctors said that Alison Brooks Dallas is dead, because her heart beat stopped, but as you see she is right here. When they left her heart started up again." She looked at the computer and told us to go to the room Alison was assigned to. We nodded and left.

We sat in the bed and then a doctor came in. "So it is true, Alison what you did I'm pretty sure no one else has done. You shouldn't even be alive right now. Congratulations you are probably the first person in history to wake up from the dead. I was so shocked to hear you woke up. Well anyways do you feel fine." She nodded and she got signed out.

We exited the hospital and me and Alison were holding hands. We walked to the car and we both sat in the back our mom drove us home, I haven't seen it in a month. We arrived and I quickly opened the door and hopped out I helped Alison out and I carried her on my back. I ran to the door and my mom unlocked it, "Wow, home sweet home, I haven't seen it in forever. I missed it so much," Alison said with a huge smiled on her face.

She grabbed my hand and ran upstairs, she took me to her room. She slowly opened the door and walked in very slowly. She walked around and stared at the room she hasn't seen in forever. When she finished she came back to me and hugged me. "I love, you Cam, I really do, and I hope I never lose you." I smiled and kissed her check.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't go to Magcon." I can't believe she remembered that. "Yeah, they rescheduled it for after Christmas." She nodded and looked at the floor. I carried her and took her to the bed, since it is late. "I'm not gonna leave you, oh and I need to tell you it's almost time for school it starts in 9 days." She nodded and started tearing up.

I knew this had to be because she got bullied in school. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you, I'm gonna be right there with you and plus if you need anything in class text me and we will meet up somewhere, okay." She nodded and said, "Ok," she wiped her tears and got under the covers. "You don't wanna change," she shook her head and rested it in my chest.

I rubbed her back and thought about what we could do tomorrow. Then I thought of something, in school a lot of people might want to date Alison. I have know her for two months know, I need to claim her so people know she is mine. I don't want her to get hurt. I need to plan how to ask her out soon.

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