Chapter 28

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Alison's POV

I called Cameron and he answered, "Hey Alison, What's ups." I sniffled, "Nothing's up, but I'm not going on tour with you." I heard him start to cry, "What why?" His voice cracked. "I don't think I should go, I think it's best for me to stay here." My voice cracked on here. "What Alison why do think that's the best thing to do, I was so excited to see you. "Me too, but things change and people change. One second your in love and the next your crushed." I started crying even harder.

"Alison's, what are you talking about? What do you mean?" "You should know, Cam you tried to hide it but you failed and hiding doesn't do anything. I love you Cam I do but Im not going. I hope you have a good time. I'll see you in four months." I ended the call and cried into Brandon's shoulder.

"What did I just do," I cried into Brandon and he rubbed my back and comforted me. He's phone started ringing, "I should take this, I'll be right back." I nodded and he left. A few moments later the doctor walked in, "Hey Alison how are you feeling?" I shrugged. "I feel fine, but my heart is shattered and crushed." She sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that but you may leave now." I nodded and walked out with her.

"I need advice I don't know what to do," "Well, I don't know the situation but, I think you should follow your heart." I cried even more, "If your heart is in a million pieces what piece do you follow?" She hugged me, "Honey I'm so sorry but I'm here to say things will get better." I nodded and signed out.

I got in the passenger seat of the car and put my earphones in to block everyone and everything out. I got a message from Cam but I just ignored it. We arrived and I went straight to my room. I locked the door and went to the restroom. I cut my wrist multiple times and the cleaned it. I put cams sweater on and my hair in a bun.

I took a picture and posted it with What's wrong with life.... I threw my iPhone across the room and laid on my bed and cried. Why does life hate me, what did I do to deserve this life. Someone knocked on my door, "Go away!" I yelled. Brandon walked in with a vanilla bean frap from Starbucks. "I brought you a Starbucks to make you feel better," I smiled and grabbed it "Thanks." He picked up my phone, "What's this doing on the floor." I shrugged, "I don't know." He laughed and threw it too me.

"Alison come on let's go downstairs mom made food," I show my head. "Alison you haven't had any food, come on mom has to tell you something." "Uh, fine, lets go." I got up and walked down stairs. I entered the kitchen and Kylie was laying down on the couch. "Oh, Alison honey I need to talk to you." I nodded and Brandon went with Kylie.

I sat down and so did their mom. "I have to go to a business trip for three days. Can you take care of the kids?" I nodded yes. "Yeah, sure it's fine." She thanked me, "Alison," "Yeah." "What's wrong, why have you been crying more." I shrugged, "I just miss Cam." She nodded and got up and started cooking. I went over to the twins and laid down with them. I took a sip from my Starbucks and then Kylie took it. "Kylie," I made puppy eyes. She took a sip and gave me the rest. I started dozing off and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up and checked my phone it was midnight. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I ate it and went upstairs, I grabbed my laptop and earphones. I went to my closet and grabbed a blanket. I went back downstairs and I sat on the couch.

I clicked the play button and the video of me and Cameron played. I started crying and crying. I could remember all these memories perfectly. The picture of me and him skateboarding, then their was a picture of me and him on the bench. My head was laid on his shoulder and he was looking down at me. I miss him and now I won't see him for four months.I started falling asleep and I eventually did.

The Only ThingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon