Chapter 5

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Schiksal HQ Outer Area, Ray’s POV

We’ve reached this so called “Schiksal HQ”,not long after that the hyperion landed and I see that there’s 2 girls standing outside. One has a short brown hair, the other with long blonde hair. When we got down from the ship, the brown hair girl said.

Rita : “You two must be Ray and Lei, my name is Rita Rossweisse, but you can just call me Rita

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Rita : “You two must be Ray and Lei, my name is Rita Rossweisse, but you can just call me Rita. And beside me is Durandal-sama. The Overseer is waiting at his office, please follow me.”

We nodded and started walking behind her, while the girl called Durandal just silently follow us. While on the way, I decided to ask her a question.

Ray : “What does schiksal actually do ?”

Rita : “We fight honkai with our valkyries, I assume you already know about valkyries ?”

Ray : “Yes, I do know about it. But not much, only about their ranks and that they have honkai immunity but not absolute.”

Rita : “Yes, that is right. But there’s more to that, valkyries can fight honkai because they have ‘stigmata’ on their back. ‘Stigmata’ give valkyries what you call a ‘power boost’, and so they can fight the zombies and honkai beasts.”

Lei : “Are you a valkyrie, Rita ?”

Rita : “I am, and I’m an A-Rank Valkyrie. While Durandal-sama over there is the current strongest S-Rank.”

Me and Lei got surprised because the current strongest valkyrie is beside us, escorting us. And then, we continued to talk until we reached the office door.

Rita : “Here we are, at the Overseer’s office.”

Rita knocked the door, and a sound came from inside saying “You can come in.” Rita opened the door revealing a room with a man standing behing the windows looking outside, we come inside and then Rita closed the door and stands right besides it. The man then moves his gaze to us and started talking.

Overseer : “You two are Ray and Lei correct ?”

Ray : “That is right, I’m Ray and this is my sister Lei.”

Overseer : “Let me introduce myself, my name is Otto Apocalypse, and I’m schiksal’s overseer. I wanted to meet you two and ask some questions.”

Ray : “Wait, two of us ?”

I looked back and see there’s only Rita and Durandal at the door, Kiana and Bronya is not here with us ?

Ray : “Where did Kiana and Bronya go ?”

Rita : “They were sent to another place, do not be worry Ray-sama. They’re fine.”

Ray : “Well, if you say so. Anyway, ask away the questions then, we will try to answer as best as we can.”

Otto : “I must thank you for that, now, the questions. First, do you know why you’re not affected by the honkai radiation ?”

Ray : “Unfortunately, we don’t know. Me and Lei was just in school that time, when suddenly a purple light shine brightly and the students starting to turn into zombies. I was asleep at that time, but then Lei wake me up and urge me to run quickly.”

Lei : *sigh* “I don’t know how can you be asleep when we’re still in school, you don’t even sleep late the night before.”

Ray : “Haha, well, I suddenly feel tired and so, I just slept.”

Otto : “I see, then, second question. Do you mind if we check your body to see if there’s something wrong with it ?”

Ray : “Well, I don’t. You Lei ?”

Lei : “Me too, it’s better to be safe.”

Otto : “Well then, we will do that after this. Last question, if you were given the choice to fight honkai, what will you do ?”

Lei : “You mean, us being a valkyrie ?”

Otto : “Yes, but for Ray, he will be a ‘Knight’.”

Ray : “...”

Lei : “What do you think about it Ray ? What should we do ?”

Ray : “Give us some time to think about it.”

Otto : “Very well, you can answer me tomorrow. Now, let us go to the laboratory to give you a checkup.”

Otto said as he get out of the room with Rita following behind him, Durandal just stand there staring at me. Which is kinda concerning, but I just shrug it off and follow Otto.


Ray and Lei’s Room, 3rd POV
After the checkup, Ray and Lei was guided to their room. Lei was surprised to see that the room is quite big , while Ray just stood silently. Lei then sit on the bed and got surprised again by how soft the bed is, Ray walk up to the window to see outside.

Ray : “Who wants to take a bath first ? You or me ?”

Lei : “I’ll be first, and then I’ll check on Kiana and Bronya.”

Ray : “Okay, I’ll check on Mei then.”
Lei then walk to the bathroom and the sound of water running is heared, Ray just sit silently thinking about what He said yesterday in his dream.

Ray : Hey, you there ?

Ray (Hr) : Is something wrong human ?

Ray : I just realized, why is your voice like that ?

Ray (Hr) : Is this better human ?

Ray : Yes, thank you. By the way, I have a question for what you said yesterday.

Ray (Hr) : Ask away human.

Ray : You said, the way to save Mei is by sealing her herrscher power so she can’t get out of control. But will that effect Mei’s body ? And what should I do to seal her ?

Ray (Hr) : Yes, it will effect her body, but only weakening her. All you need to do is just hold her hand, I will do the rest.

Ray : I see, and what do you think about Otto’s proposal ? Should I accept it and become a knight ? But, I don’t even have my own power.

Ray (Hr) : Actually, you do have a power, human. But, you need to unlock it yourself. Worry not, I will help you with my own way. The you right now is still not strong enough, train and you will achieve it human. And about becoming a knight, it’s your choice human. Not mine, but if you want to be a knight. Then, you will and can rescue the others by fighting honkai, but you can lose your life at anytime.

Ray : Is that so... Oh and, what do I call you ?

Ray (Hr) : It’s up to you, human. I couldn’t care less about what you call me.

Ray : Then... How about ‘Naron’ ?

Naron : Very well, you can just call me ‘Naron’ from now on hum-No, Ray.

Just then, the bathroom door open and Lei appeared.

Lei : “You can take a bath now, Ray.”

Ray : “Yeah, okay.”

Ray then walk into the bathroom passing Lei not feeling nervous as they are used to this from the past, Lei too doesn’t feel embarrased when Ray passes her and just continue walk to the wardrobe.


Schiksal’s Infirmary, 3rd POV

A girl is seen laying on a bed, with 2 girls beside her. The girl is Mei, deep in her sleep. While Kiana and Bronya is having a sad expression, then the door opens revealing Lei and Ray in a new set of clothing. Lei bring out Kiana and Bronya out of the room so they can clean themselves and let Ray alone with Mei. Ray make sure there’s no other people around them and touch Mei’s hand, a light then suddenly appeared and blinded him.


Author : Ookaaaaay, another chapter has arrived

Narrator : It’s lewd

Author : ...What ?

Narrator, They’re holding hands ! How is that not lewd ?!

Author : Uuh... Anyway, after this will be a chapter about Ray meeting with Fu Hua, and Theresa...

Narrator : Oh, and what kind of name is “Naron” anyway ? Where di you get that ?

Author : That is the hard part, I don’t know what to name him. At first I wanted to name him “Ren” but, that sounds like I just named him on random. And then, I think about “Haron” but that doesn’t really fit him. So I changed the “H” to “N”, I’m so smart aren’t I ?

Narrator : Seriously ? (-_-。)

Author : Hey ! At least it’s a good name !

Narrator : *sigh* Whatever... Anyway, thank you for your time to read this... Sorry if there’s some grammar mistakes...

Author & Narrator : And we’ll see you again in the next chapter !

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