Chapter 5

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Arthit now has two challenges to cross. One, revealing to their parents that he's in love with a guy, and two, find any possibilities of childhood trauma that is making him uncomfortable during intercourse.

He's currently at the doorsteps of his home fidgeting and thinking of how to open up when his father's car entered the shed.

"Oon... What are you doing outside? You already have the keys right?" Arthit wai'd his father and both entered into the house with Arthit settling on the couch whereas his father beelined to the washroom to clean off himself from any germs he might be carrying from the hospital.

Once freshened up, Jake came outside to see his son still sitting at the same place, nervousness clear on his face.

"Dear, what is bothering you?" Thinking that it will be better to tell his father first as they share a very good rapport whereas Beam shares a good bond with his mother despite being a very close family relationship.

"How will you react... if I say... I am in love... with a guy?" Arthit looked up to find any sort of discomfort on his father's face who's processing what his son is telling. They know from the beginning that Beam is gay but they didn't expect from Arthit... because of his supposed crush on a girl.

"Is it a guy or... a man?" Jake asked while suppressing the smile but lost completely when Arthit pouted for teasing him.

"Of course a man... my man" Arthit replied proudly.

"For this, you were feeling nervous?" Arthit's smile faded with the question.

"Let's go step by step. Will discuss that when Mae comes back?" Jake nodded and asked him to relax in his room.


Arthit is sleeping when Jake came to his room to inform that Nina, his wife come back home. On the table, he saw his phone vibrating relentlessly. He picked up when the vibration stopped but soon it started to receive a call. Jake looked at Arthit who's sleeping peacefully after keeping the phone on vibration mode.

Shaking his head, he looked back at the phone and is conflicted to pick the call or not. Because Kong ❤ is visibly worried and there're 36 messages and 10 missed calls from the person. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the call, and before he can speak, questions blasted from the other

"P'Arthit!! why are you not picking up my calls and replying to my messages? I have been worried sick throughout and was thrown out of Professor Suda's class for checking my phone to find 'Reached home safely' message-"

"Hello" The other end of the line was silent for a couple of seconds

"Who's talking?"

"Hi, I am Jake Rojnapath. Arthit's father" Jake introduced himself

"Sawasdee Kha, Khun Rojnapath. I am P'Arthit... junior" Jake smiled at the other's innocence. Because not every junior will be worried sick for his senior who just came back home and definitely won't talk in a tone Kongpob spoke. Arthit will peel off Junior's skin for raising the voice if he was just any junior.

"Swadee... Arthit is sleeping. I will convey your message if any" Jake replied.

"No no... It's not that important. Just let him know that I called."

"Sure... Nice talking to you Kong!!" Jake mischievously smiled and placed the phone on the table before leaving. 

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