Chapter 11

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"Report from the production team, please" Tew announced making Arthit nod and start to give the presentation confidently. Yeah, it's a different thing that he's trembling inside because he's standing near Kongpob whose seat is just a few steps away, and not to forget Kongpob's attention, it's completely on Arthit's face instead of the big screen.

After gruesome 10 minutes, instead of standing at the same place for receiving queries, Arthit decided to ask from his seat.

"Great!! but P'Arthit-" Kongpob immediately observed how everyone is whispering at the way their boss is addressing Head of Production as 'Phi', he changed to stern tone.

"Any issues?" Everyone just shook their heads and hung low.

"So, I was saying, so far the team management in your department is good. But P'Arthit, we're planning to expand our market. So, with the existing team, is it possible to proceed, or do you need additional members?" Arthit heard about the expansion in the market from the previous head but have no idea about the level of it.

"Actually, I don't have much idea about this in detail. So, if you could-"

"No Problem. Tew?" Kongpob turned to Tew who's nodded in acknowledgment before Kongpob continued "Is my schedule free for an hour from now on?"


"Great!! P'Arthit, you can follow me and we can discuss things in detail" Kongpob replied making Arthit's eyes go wide. Because he's not a fool to not understand the intention behind the statement. But the main question is... Is he ready to come face to face?

The last time they spoke, Arthit almost ran away from him and now... he has no option but to accept the proposal. So, he just nodded to avoid any awkwardness. With the way Kongpob is still calling him 'P'Arthit' itself is something he never expected also the other members sitting in the room.


"So, P'Arthit!! You still didn't answer my question last time. Did you find your love?" Kongpob asked making Arthit shiver. They are both in Kongpob's cabin and were supposed to discuss the new ventures. Arthit closed his eyes, determined to not break in front of Kongpob replied after a few seconds. And Kongpob is intently observing everything.

"Shall we keep this meeting professional? If I am not wrong, we're here for discussing the market expansion topic which you raised in the meeting" Kongpob smirked and started to explain what was in his mind.

To be honest, Arthit is immensely impressed by his junior's skills and visionary. Normally market expansion is a risk... starting from the existing product delivery which is the source of income issues to a lot of factors that need to be considered. But Kongpob laid out a plan in such a way that nothing will affect, except the number of tours they need to make to grab the clients... and that's a given in this case.

"Are you the only one who laid this plan?" Arthit asked straightforwardly. Because this is not expected from the beginner"

"Do I look like someone who steals others' ideas?" Kongpob questioned back, hiding the bubbles of pride for being appreciated by his Arthit.

"No... No... I mean, I..."

"That's ok... I can understand your point of view very well. You don't have to elaborate explicitly. Just trust me with-" Kongpob replied with a serious tone making Arthit lookup. Their eyes met and the world outside froze for them. Both have the same feelings... finally back home.

Arthit also understood that Kongpob said that line not only for this context and something else. Their moment is interrupted by a phone call on Arthit's mobile. After Kongpob's go-ahead, Arthit came out to the pantry to attend the call.

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