Chapter 15

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Tutah arrived at Bright's bar and asked for his drink without enquiring about Bright. The bartender frowned when Tutah asked for strong ones instead of usual but nonetheless served also sneakily messaged Bright about Tutah's presence.

Bright arrived in no time as he was only in his cabin and being a weekday, his presence is not required. But when he received a message from Mark, Bartender, he immediately came down and understood why he was called.

It's already been five minutes, Bright is sitting next to Tutah but he is yet to get acknowledged. Tutah continued to gulp the drinks Mark is serving. Bright signaled Mark to leave and that's when he observed things around him.

"Mark... my Love... don't leave me!!" Mark shook his head for his boss's friend's antics and left the counter, handing over the bottle to Bright. Bright mixed some drinks to dilute the alcohol and asked, simultaneously pouring the drink

"Work stress?" Tutah shook his head and replied in his slurry tone

"Friends stress" Bright asked Mark to continue with the business whereas he dragged Tutah to his cabin where they can talk peacefully. Mark is one of the employees who's been there with Bright from the beginning of his business. So, he knows everyone and also the changing dynamics after a few incidents thanks to Bright's drunken talks. He never spoke but he always had a special liking towards Tutah because he never left his friend's side. But never voiced out, scared that the other may not like the attention. 


"Knott or Arthit?" Bright is well aware of the fact that he never gave up on their relationship. So, whenever he stresses out, it must be one of them.

"Arthit!! No... correction!! It's all of us" Tutah replied and is about to pick up the vodka shot but Bright stopped him.


"Arthit gave this to me... to pass on to Knott!!" Tutah carefully placed the rings box and Bright opened it only to gasp at the quality of the diamonds. Coming from the jewelry business background, these sort of things are like the back of the hand, he can cut the diamonds like an ace. Just by seeing it, Bright can guarantee nowhere it was compromised. Price, cuts, design, quality, and quantity... top-notch ones.

"Arthit surely is biased for Knott" Bright chuckled and soon a fried cashew nut was thrown at him.

"Is that the point here?"

"What do you want me to do then?"

"He's leaving to Malaysia soon" Tutah spoke making Bright shocked


"And his new boss is Kongpob"


"And he still loves Kongpob" Tutah continued to shock Bright who's having a weird expression on his face

"What the hell is going on in his life?" Bright snatched the shot glass from Tutah's hand and gulped it in one go.

"You know the saddest part... he blames himself for our gang"

"Which is true" Tutah looked at Bright's face who's not holding any bitter expression. Instead, he's serious. People usually see Bright as someone funny, jovial, and not serious about life but behind that, there's a person who cares about his family, friends, and his dear ones. When the time comes, he can take the bullet for them.

"Arthit would've been happy that you agreed to him for once" Tutah joked but Bright is still thinking. After a few seconds, he spoke

"You know after Arthit left only I realized something. He was the one who held all of us together. And without him, we all shattered. God forbid, if any of us four would've distanced ourselves for any reason, he wouldn't have left us like this. Remember the time, when he stepped forward to take care of Prem when his parents expired? He took him to his dorm and treated him like a small kid."

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