Chapter 13

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The moment Beam entered the house, he heard the yelling from his father. Normally, every married couple has fights and Jake & Nina also have their share of arguments but they never fight in front of the kids. Forget about yelling, Jake never even raised his tone on Nina but suddenly listening to the loud tone of his father, he got alerted.

"How can you even think that you'll accept Forth for Beam?" Beam stiffed by listening to the context.

"Honey, you should understand things. Forth is Beam's love. He's been in love for five years"

"So? Weren't you there when that bastard is spitting nonsense about Arthit's career and moreover... his sexuality? How can he saw all asexual will live and die alone?

Don't tell me you support his thinking?"

"What? Not at all!!" Nina shouted "I accept that Forth is wrong And I understand Arthit's hurt. But I am also thinking of Beam... You saw only Arthit's loneliness for these many years but I also saw Beam's... He never allowed anyone inside his life because he loved Forth.

And It was my mistake that I misjudged Forth. Think of Beam, how much level of faith he had on Forth that he revealed such sensitive topic of our family to him.

I am just saying-"

Beam lose his balance and stumbled on the floor. At first, his brain didn't accept the fact that ever warm and nice Forth behaved ill with his brother... who's like a second parent to him. He remembered how Forth used to volunteer himself to orphanages, old age homes. He still remembers how Forth consoled Lam's(Forth's friend) teenage brother who's being under-confident about himself after knowing that he likes guys.

Then why? Why does Forth behave like this with my brother? No... No... I won't believe it!! I can't get fooled like this... I have seen him for years and I know, Forth can never hurt others.

With trembling feet, he managed to go inside his room and calm himself. He's having inner turmoil. He never believed when people says that 'You get more hurt when someone beloved breaks our trust' and now, he's feeling it. His heart is breaking into pieces. How he trusted someone with not his... but his brother's secret. A secret that Arthit never told to anyone... in the fear of judgment and what he did? He revealed to the wrong person?

"Hello?" Forth voice was heard from the other end of the phone. Before it used to be soothing and now... he doesn't know

"Forth?" Forth understood the distress in his lover's voice and he straightened his posture. From the moment, he saw Arthit's hurtful eyes... he felt bad for spewing venom on someone's orientation and also puzzled with various emotions bubbling inside him. He is not able to forget those eyes...

"What happened, baby? Is everything alright?"

"I heard something about you... is that true?" Forth froze. Not getting any response, Beam directly came to the point

"Have you commented on my brother's sexuality?" Forth's silence gave Beam his answer.


Arthit opened the door of his apartment and sat on the couch. Usually, he will go to the special room but now... he's conflicted to even go there. His life turned 360° turn in just a few days. Through the reflection of the television screen, he looked at himself.

Arthit that was not with the real self but dare anyone says a single word or doubt his attitude. Prem, Bright, Tutah everyone believed this façade that he mastered. His smile still showed how much happy he must be in his personal life. Then what went wrong?

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