Chapter 6

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After spending some time with Beam and his parents, Arthit is back in the city. Instead of going to his dorm, he knocked on Kongpob's dorm. But when there's no response, he looked at the watch that is showing 10 AM.

Kong is not the one to sleep till late!! Is he unwell?

Arthit called Kongpob and after a few rings, it was answered

"P'Arthit!!" Kongpob's sad voice fell on Arthit's ears. But still, Arthit finds it sweet.

"Where are you?"

"In your dorm!! I was missing you... so thought of spending time here. But after coming here... I started missing you more!!" Arthit smiled at Kongpob's childishness and Arthit engaged the other in the talk. Oblivious to Arthit's surprise, Kongpob continued to talk about what happened in the entire week, and in that 80% are the incidents are about how his friends teased him for being so whipped.

Arthit knocked on the door after making sure to keep the call on mute and Kongpob excused it before attending the call. What he saw blew his mind. Kongpob didn't react for a few seconds but soon embraced the other with tears filling in his eyes. Arthit walked forward making both of them enter into the zone where people won't see the emotional side of his lover. Kongpob peppered kisses all over Arthit's face who's overwhelmed by the affection.

"You're behaving as If I came from war" Arthit teased his lover who is not ready to even break the hug.

"You said only weekend so I prepared myself for that. But after going there, you completely forgot about me and extended your stay. And when did you say that? After I prepared everything for candlelight dinner on Monday and called you to check when will you arrive? You're so mean and bad"

"Sorry!! But I never forgot about you. In fact, I was only thinking of you" Kongpob partially broke the hug to see his lover with a shocked expression. Arthit is never the one to express his feelings directly and now, he's doing that. Also when he started to rewind sometime in their life, he was not stopped from hugging his lover.

"And wait!! People usually gain weight after visiting home... why do you look so thin?" Arthit laughed at Kongpob's antics. Usually mothers ask these sort of questions but here his lover is questioning. Why not? Kongpob is very observant that makes Arthit difficult to hide things from him. This bought the memory of his house visit and before his expressions give away, Arthit changed the topic.

"Come... Let's have breakfast!! I am hungry..." Arthit asked making Kongpob nod.

"You wait here... I will get something for you to eat" Before Kongpob can go, Arthit stopped the other asking him to prepare something for him.

"Why don't you prepare something for me?"

"Are you teasing me?" Kongpob asked with pouty lips.

"No... I am serious"


"Whatever you'll prepare, I will have," Arthit said before picking up casual clothes to freshen up. Kongpob stood in the same place thinking of what to do but then called his mother for a simple breakfast recipe.

Kongpob's mother was a bit taken aback by the sudden request but nonetheless, guided him throughout in the voice call. Once plating is done, he quickly thanked his mother and started placing the dishes on their dining-Study table. 


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