Chapter 8

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Just after Arthit graduated, Arthit joined Ocean electrics in Malaysia Branch for three years away from everything. There're many reasons why he chose to stay out of the country. One, his brother Beam... Just because he saw Arthit in one weak moment, Beam continued to stay by his side neglecting his own life. Second, his parents. Despite not being vocal, Arthit can see how much his presence and his sad life are affecting his parents. Third, Kongpob himself. After the final year results came where he graduated with high scores, Kongpob messaged him saying how proud he's being his 'Junior'. Arthit is very close to calling Kongpob and asking for forgiveness... but Beam explained that It's very important for Kongpob to know the reason and if Arthit wants to get the relationship back, he should inform everything to Kongpob or else it'll be like deceiving Kongpob. And Arthit couldn't do that. He was still coping up with himself that he doesn't dare to confess about him to anyone.

So, he flew from the country. Now he's pro at what he's doing. Either it may be in his professional life or his fake attitude which screams how much happy he is with things that are going on in his life. No one other than family can tell the real truth. And family never voices out.

After three years, Arthit was asked to move to Thailand branch because of some development issues and he accepted thinking he can face it now but the truth is, he just getting used to what he actually is instead of accepting himself. No one other than his family knows about what happened and what is happening with Arthit. His friends tried to know why Kong-Arthit broke up but all Arthit replied is that 'They're not made for each other'.

So, they just let the topic be except Knott. And Knott chose to stay by Kongpob as he saw how his brother was affected. Even if they didn't click, it was not right to break up so rudely knowing how much impact Arthit holds on Kongpob. When Arthit confessed, the first thing Knott warned is 'don't break him if things doesn't go according to plan'. On top of it, Arthit running away out of the country is something that made Knott think that there might be something else that they're not sharing and Arthit chose to run instead of facing the issue. So, even if they meet in get-togethers, Knott & Arthit doesn't talk. The gang tried to talk but when Knott didn't want to even think of it, everyone left like that. They usually meet once in three months and Arthit-Knott made sure that the rift between them doesn't impact their gang rapport so they also got used to the new dynamics of their relationship.

Though one year delay, but Beam caught up in his studies and settled well in his professional life. And now after talking with Nina, decided to take his personal life a bit seriously. Arthit's parents accepted Arthit the way he is. It would be a lie to say that it didn't affect them and see Arthit's sufferings.

Arthit never forgot Kongpob and he's not intended to do. There's a dedicated room in his Apartment where only he's allowed to enter which has all the memories, photos of Kongpob which he sneakily clicked, and everything that keeps him going on even when he feels low.


"Hi Benz... long time no see" Kongpob greeted his friend Benz. They are in a bar, both sitting at the corner so that they can talk without any interruptions and loud music.

"What to do? You never called me back... so I had to. You came back from the US last year and didn't even message me" Benz whined making Kongpob smirk. Benz is actually three years elder to him but he doesn't like to be called using Honorifics.

They met in a bar when Kongpob was gulping bitter alcohol to forget the pain and withdrawal pain of Arthit. Kongpob was never vocal about the breakup, Arthit, and pain he was going through at that time because he was scared someone will hate or misunderstand Arthit. So, when Benz approached as a stranger, it was easy for him to open up and share his pain. Being a little bit tipsy also helped him.

Behind Every Smile [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora