Chapter 25

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Arthit realized so many things in one night. The main reason why he can still smell Kongpob's essence in the lion soft toy is because his smell sense has heightened to a whole new level. Not only smelling sense, but he can also hear, smell and see things that not any normal human being can and this travels miles.

The good thing about this new boon is that he has to concentrate on a particular direction to experience that. And he is very much thankful about this or else he has to sacrifice his oh so beautiful sleep and this is also one of the reasons he never realized that before. Having a crystal inside his heart has its own benefits too.

Arthit spent the whole night reading through the journals, books Gulf bought for him. He also get to experience a lot of things and explored the powers inside. He also planned to take advantage of all these powers in the upcoming nights. How?🤔 You have to wait for that!!

He can teleport, become invisible, penetrate through the walls/doors including these heightened (10 times) senses.

"Mr. Rojnapath?" The receptionist called the moment Arthit entered the office. Arthit attended the desk and the receptionist informed of having a visitor. Arthit just prayed it's not Forth again and started to walk into the Visitors' area only to stop by the receptionist again.

"Mr. Rojnapath, your mother is waiting in the cafeteria"


"Yes, sir. I asked her to wait for you in your cabin but she said she was hungry. So, I showed her the way to the cafeteria" the Receptionist replied with a smile. Arthit thanked and started to walk towards the cafeteria.

She must be pulling night shifts again and surviving herself with instant noodles. Good thing, I prepared breakfast today.

The main reason Arthit learned cooking is to feed his mother. His father hardly gets night shifts for his department but his mother has to pull a lot of night shifts based on the delivery dates of her patients. And she doesn't get time to even sit properly and eat. So, he started cooking when he was 13 and used to visit the hospital to deliver the food. Sometimes, his father also accompanies or becomes the delivery boy happily. But after Arthit joined university, they hardly get to eat Arthit's cooked food and they miss it like nothing else.

"Mae!!" Arthit called who's sipping cold coffee without even lifting the glass from the table. She leaned to the table instead. No one will know she's a doctor without telling with how she behaves.


"What are you doing here?"

"Ah... I came to the hospital nearby as my patient was admitted to that hospital because of an emergency. So, thought of visiting you."

"Tell directly, you were missing my cooked food" Arthit playfully glared and Nina just awkwardly scratched her nape. This habit is picked by Arthit as well, who does the same.

"Good thing, I woke up early today and prepared this. Have it" Arthit opened the box from his bag and pushed it to Nina's side

"What about you?" Though Nina is drooling at the sight of cheesy hash browns, she needs to make sure that her son is well fed and it's not enough for two with what is there inside the box.

"Don't worry!! The food here is also good. I will have something here." Arthit assured and in no time, Nina pricked the fork from the table and started to eat, along with moaning with how delicious it is. She never had hash browns and was specially made by Arthit.

"This is too good. Where did you learn?" Nina asked continuously stuffing the crispy hash browns as if something will snatch them away from her. Arthit shook his head and started to wipe the cheese that is on the side of her mouth without replying.

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