Chapter 35

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Now, coming back to the present, I want you to court me

"Kongpob, stop joking like this" Arthit stood up to leave but Kongpob didn't let the other go. He held Arthit's wrist and tugged it a little making the other take his previous position.

"I am serious, P'Arthit" Arthit looked at the other to find any smirk and waited to say 'I am kidding, P'Arthit' but he found none.

"Kong, it's not easy"

"It was not easy before also, P'Arthit. But we managed to settle, right? This time also the same thing will happen" Kongpob tried to point out. The first time Kongpob confessed his feelings, it was not easy. Getting into a relationship is also not an easy one. They had to adjust at the beginning, made a lot of mistakes but somehow they found their pace. Then why not now?

"That was different, Kongpob. Now the situation is not the same"

"P'Arthit, when I confessed you back then... intimacy was not in my mind. For me, it's just an add-on that I got from our relationship. I wanted to spend my life with YOU. I Loved you not your body" Arthit is unable to voice out his concerns. He feels it's wrong and the other won't be happy because a relationship is meant to be for equals. And he is not. Though whatever he said prior is controlled by Vanessa, but all those are true and no one can deny that. Isn't it?

"Kongpob!! my decision is no" With that Arthit again tried to leave but Kongpob got angry this time. He's trying to mend their relationship and Arthit is again ruining it.

"P'Arthit!! It was so easy for you, Isn't it? Just to say no and leave." Kongpob's cold tone is something new for Arthit. Not just because of the age difference, Kongpob always respected Arthit just as an individual.

"Why is it always you that decides to go away and I have to chase you?" Kongpob again asked. Arthit decided to explain

"Kongpob, it's not easy for me too. But practically this relationship won't work. You have to understand this"

"I am not able to, phi... I am trying!! what you did years ago, I understood but why you are again walking away when I still want to be with you... I am not understanding it."

"Fine... You want me to say it, right? I will tell you. I am not equal now, I can't give you happiness in any way. The relationship is meant to be between equals. And I will be a liability to you. I will only get you down.

You deserve better and I am not worth losing what you deserve" Arthit wants to yell and say it but his stupid tears are not stopping making his tone and himself miserable. He wants to be strong for Kongpob and accept the proposal but he has something else now, in addition to being an asexual. That he's not even a human now.

"I don't want anything other than you. Mae told me about your insecurities on high society and my success. Listen to me, Phi... If being successful is at the stake of you, then I don't want anything. The happiness that I find when I hold your hand is serene. It's irreplaceable.

When I received a gold medal for my academics in the US, it didn't give me the happiness I found when you hug me. When Mae informed me that I will be the CEO of her company, I thought it only as my responsibility. But you know, when I saw your name in the file, It gave me hope. I didn't know Mae was behind it, so, I thought destiny wants to meet both of us.

Coming to your discomfort, let's figure out the things in the journey, P'Arthit. You just have to be vocal to make this work.

You are my happiness. Just give us a second chance, Please"

Say yes, you dumbo

Gulf shouted in his mind through telepathy and Arthit hesitantly nodded.

"So, will you court me this time?" Kongpob asked with hopeful eyes.

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