Chapter 7

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A/N: Letters in bold are Arthit's thoughts

"P'Arthit... what are you talking about?" Ten minutes before Kongpob felt like he's having the best time. They did nothing other than just have a simple dinner but still, it felt good because they met after three weeks. Being the moon of the university, he has some obligations to fulfill and was completely occupied with all those that he couldn't get some time to spend for himself... with his P'Arthit!!

"I don't want to continue doing this... Let's break up" Arthit said showing his back to Kongpob.

Kongpob's earth is shattering every passing second but still, he wants to believe that his P'Arthit is just kidding to tease him and not mean it... Internally his heart and brain are fighting with different opinions and it's making Kongpob angry.

Kongpob angrily walked towards Arthit and holding the other's wrist, made him look at him forcingly. "Repeat what you just said, looking in my eyes" Arthit tried to look away but Kongpob gripped the other on his jaw tightly making Arthit wince in pain.

"Repeat. what. you. said" Arthit prayed not to be weak and let his lover go for his own good. Closing his eyes for a few seconds, he opened again and repeated what he said

"Let's break up"

"What is the reason?"

"You don't have to know"

"I have every damn reason to you" Kongpob shouted angrily but tears are also flowing from his eyes continuously and Arthit's grip on the railing tightened to hold himself back and not to rush to his Kong to wipe those tears.

Just like how Kongpob promised him at the back of the stand that he'll wipe off all the Arthit's tears, he did. Every time Arthit felt low, sad, or cranky for any reason, Kongpob was there to hold him... to encourage him and never failed to tell how wonderful Arthit is. Kongpob never once tried to change him and loved him the way he is. And here he is... only making him cry and nothing else

"I don't love you anymore" Arthit turned around and said making Kongpob froze. He just continued to look at Arthit's back unknown that the other is also crying and he's is equally feeling the pain just to utter those lies.

I'm sorry, Kong!! But this is the only thing I can do for you... for your future. You don't need someone who can't give you anything but platonic love. I am selfish. I don't have the courage to tell the truth, so I am letting you go. I can't live everyday deceiving you and in this point, if I confront, it will only make you feel worse. You should shine brighter than the sun and if you stay by my side, I will only be your drawback.

"You... realized... after everything... that happened?" Kongpob stuttered the words but Arthit just left the place not able to control anymore leaving Kongpob there. But Arthit hid behind the wall till the other left. He immediately called Knott and told him roughly about the situation. Also asked him a favor to take care of Kongpob who's clinging to the iron railing and crying like a kid.

After about 20 minutes, Knott came to the said place and saw Kongpob still crying. His eyes frantically searched for Arthit who hid behind the wall and left in the cab.

Kongpob was not in a state to question Knott's presence at that moment and did what was told to him. Both reached Knott's dorm so that it'll be easy for him to take care of his cousin.

In the middle of the night, he woke up when Kongpob was continuously mumbling Arthit's name and begging him to not leave. Cursing Arthit for making once-perfect cousin brother, like this, he went to check on Kongpob who got fever.

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