Chapter 26

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"Who is the security head here?" Krystal yelled the moment she set her foot inside the office. Everyone visibly shivering with the alpha aura she's carrying. Krystal has a very bad woman impression and being a lady, it'll not be easy to handle everyone's male ego and strive. The receptionist with trembling fingers, called Kongpob's office to inform him that the chairperson has arrived and she's very upset.

"Good evening, Ma'am" Security head came to her running and greeted

"You really dare to greet me with 'Good evening'? Wow... I mean wow... I appreciate your guts, Mr. Wang" Security head hung his head low in shame. Attack on CEO is a security lapse and no one can deny that. Good that Arthit has saved Kongpob or else he's even scared to imagine what would've happened. Krystal would've sliced his neck in no time and no one can stop her.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Suthiluck"

"Is this the only thing you can say, Mr. Wang?" And there is no answer to that so he just stood still. 

Kongpob on the other hand, rushed downstairs to stop his mother from creating ruckus downstairs. He acknowledges the fact that she is worried that's why he's running to stop her. Because his mother is a troublemaker. If she's happy, all is well. But any slight change in her mood, everyone will be ready for their turn to enter their graves. Seeing Kongpob running, Arthit frowned and stood to follow but Gulf appeared.

"Arthit, why don't you come with me? I have to talk about something very urgent" Gulf knows what is going to happen. He already saw the future. And he is trying to avoid it. Because in this state, Krystal's relation with Kongpob shouldn't be disclosed, or else... he can only shudder just by imagining what is going to happen.

"Later" Arthit dismissed and ran in the direction. Julie informed that Mrs. Suthiluck arrived after knowing about the attack on the CEO. So, he is a bit relieved but the way Kongpob ran... Arthit decided to follow.


"Kong!!! How are you?" Krystal started to inspect every nook and corner of her son's body to find any injury and Kongpob let her be.

"I'm fine... nothing happened to me. How did you know?"

"Did you forget, I am the chairperson of this company?"

"Actually P'Arthit protected me -"

"Aunty?" Arthit is shell-shocked seeing Krystal with Kongpob. Never in his wild dreams, he could imagine this. And hearing Arthit's voice, Krystal also understood what she did. She could only scold herself for not being careful.

"You know each other?" Kongpob asked, confused with both their behavior.


Arthit, Kongpob, and Krystal are in a conference room. After seeing their behavior, Kongpob felt that it would be good if given privacy to the situation.


"Did you know who I was when we first met in Malaysia?" Arthit asked Krystal with a stern tone.

"Arthit-" Krystal tried to calm Arthit down but was soon dismissed.

"Yes or No?" Seeing Krystal's not-so-surprising expressions saying it all. But he still wants to confirm and give the situation the benefit of the doubt. But his brain is clouded with anger that he didn't think of at what tone his voice is coming out

"P'Arthit, you can't talk to my mother like that" Kongpob knows how short-tempered his senior is but he can't let him misbehave with his mother.

"Kong!!" Krystal stopped his son to react more and decided to come clean.

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