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—Arthur's POV—

I felt the aching muscles of my body tense as I glare at the black ball of flickering flames in front of me. I almost wanted to kill him.


"Why..." my dark tone didn't do justice to just how livid I felt right about now.

"...why..what..?" He gazed back at me in obvious confusion. Somehow he made a facial expression that looked so lifelike. So sentient. And I wanted nothing more than to end him.

"..." On impulse, I swung a slow and painful jab at him. My fist simply fazed through his snarky little face and I lost balance, falling forward once again as my other arm gave out. I face-planted the cold white floor hard. Hard enough to cause a small dent in the marble below.

"HEY! Don't do that!" Regis snapped at me as he glared down on my form. "I feel...violated...like woman kind of violated.." he voiced with what looked like a shutter.

"Fuck you! Why now huh?! Why manifest now after years of draining my core of mana?! Why show up when I probably can't even use you??"  I snapped back, glaring heatedly at him, stopping myself from throwing another swing that would most likely do nothing anyways.

His eyes widened before looking away with what seemed to be...guilt. He quickly turned his hovering form away from me, choosing to stare at a wall.

"Well...aren't you just a ray of sunshine? Anyone else—hell the Ausuras themselves would be honored—"

"I needed you."

"..I needed you. So that I could save them." Tears blurred my vision for the hundredth time since I woke up. Slamming my hand on the ground, as I let tears drip down to the floor beneath me.

Regis fell silent at my words, which echoed throughout the room do to my raised voice. I wanted to kill him. Even though I knew that wouldn't help me at all. He was being used as an excuse for my own short comings and I knew it. Sadness and anger overwhelmed the rest of what I was feeling and at this point, I wished I didn't feel anything at all.

Guess I took my time in the void for granted.

I chuckled humorlessly at the sick irony of it all. I slumped to the ground, shaking as sobs torn through me. It was my own fault I'm in this predicament in the first place. I had no right to blame him for my failures. I knew what I was getting into, I knew letting Sylvia's will take over would kill me and I. Still. Did. It.

'And I would do it again' I thought as my sobs subsided.

Soon, my sob fest passes as my tears ran dry. I was exhausted, and quickly reminded about just how dehydrated I am. My mouth was dry and my throat burned.

"There is a pond of fresh water over by that wall...drink before you cry yourself into a mummified state." Regis sighs as he floats near the direction of the pond.

'How did I not see that?'

I huffed dryly, moving myself into a crawling position knowing I couldn't stand just yet. I started heading slowly towards the glistening pond of clear, clean water, feeling my throat throb at the thought of drinking something.

Infinity| A Time AfterWhere stories live. Discover now