|Victoriad pt.4|

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Being tipsy while writing a fight scene is fun~

Anywhore, welcome to another chapter!!



|Arthurs POV|

'Regis, gauntlet form.' I felt Regis' form trail from my core, drawing an abundance of destructive aether to where he forms in my arm as I godstepped. My fist and forearm stained black with the destructive aether coalescing in my hand with wisps of misty amethyst and black smoke. My form flickered out of Cadels line of sight as I reappear behind him with my fist cocked back.

Cadel was quick to follow, pivoting on his right foot, his arms forming a cross in front of his face as my fist reins down on his arms. The mana shield he formed to protect himself, shattering against with force of my hit, a shock wave erupting from the impact that blew him back. A dust cloud formed as he tumbled into the ground below, kicking up more dust before he repositions himself onto his feet.

His glare settles on me as a crazed grin spread across my face. My heart banging against my rib cage with the never ending need to utterly decimate Cadel. My mind throbbing with the memories of my time with Sylvia, from her caring smile and kind motherly words, to her wisdom and teachings. Although I felt empty, at the same time I felt so full of emotions that I tried so hard to keep at bay.

Cadel's form is moving before I had a chance to react, black flames shooting out at me with an inhumane hunger. Though, he stood in silent, subtle shock as I let the flames settle on and around me, drawing in the tiny bits of aether being produced from the flames.

"If Nico's flames of decay didn't do anything to me, why did you think yours would?" My head tilted to the side as my vision narrows in on him, everything else fading away into nothingness.

He snarls with annoyance as he rocketed towards me, black metal spikes forming in the air around him as he launched his body at me like a weapon. I stood still, waiting patiently for only seconds before extending my left hand before me. Just as he was about to throw a punch, I side stepped, knocking his fist to the side, pivoting on my right foot and bringing my left foot up into a backward roundhouse kick aimed for his neck. My movements were too quick for him to follow as my kick landed and sent his body crashing back to the unforgiving ground, a low groan leaving him as his body forms a dent into the stadium floor. It caved in under the pressure and I watched him fall through with the floor below.

My wings folded into my back as I landed back on my feet, waiting for him to emerge from the undercroft. The crowd was howling from the shock of seeing one of their strongest Scythes at the mercy of an unknown human. Sovereign Kiros, once again, leaning over the balcony along with his underlings. Seris had an amused smile on her face as Cilrit shivers at the pressure I continued to expel.

Cadel shot out from the rubble, debris flying up before falling back to the ground. He flew above me before stopping a few meters away, his pitch black spikes twirling around him along with blame flames that took on the form of a javelin. His raised hand lowers rapidly, the flaming javelin falling from the sky at his motion, right in my direction. I raised my hand upwards as the javelin came into contact with me in seconds, pain searing through me as the javelin rips through my arm, leaving only my shoulder visible with my own blood gushing from the wound and splashing to the ground.

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