|Victoriad pt.3|

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Impending doom (/🔥0🔥)/🌪🔥

Arthur may or may not be loosing his mind...

Anywhore, let's get into it!



|Scythe Seris' POV|

Everything was planned perfectly, with little to no chance of failure. A plan that took years, months, weeks, days—so much time. From the very beginning, the plan for Agrona's downfall was heavily thought about, I only needed a catalyst to push this plan forward. That catalyst...the most unpredictable variable in all of this...

Stood below in the arena, arms raised before him as the limp, decapitated body of Scythe Nico started to float in the amethyst mist that blanketed the air around it. Slowly, I watched with wide eyes as the body slowly starts to degrade, flaking away and turning to what looked like black dust particles. If I lean any farther over the rail of the balcony, I'd no doubt fall over and into the arena below.

This boy, someone I'd waited for years to show up so I could put my plan into motion...

My entire body trembled. I couldn't decipher whether I am shaking because of the excitement causing my heart to nearly beat out of my chest....

Or because of the sheer amount of powerful pressure that boy—that man—is releasing.

It was suffocating, daunting, foreboding, overwhelming and calamitous.

It felt like I was staring at the incarnation of death.

The very meaning of ruinous.

In the face of that pressure alone, all I could do was watch as Arthur consumes the particles and fall to his knees as the semi-transparent wings on his back darkens to a midnight black. I could actively see as bones start to construct themselves starting from his spine and branching outward to form the frame of his wings.

Tissue and muscles grew and developed, slowly crawling up the bones of his wings while blood vessels, capillaries and veins all start to form before skin grows over it all.

The wolf that looked to be completely made of  some kind of purple and black fire, runs toward its owner and jumps. I watched as it phases into Arthur's chest just as black flames burst from the inside of the wings, lashing out and roaring with hunger as feathers start to grow.

Caliginous, fire-like feathers emerged from the frame of the wings as they spread to reach their full length, twenty three or four feet out.

Originally, I had just planned for Arthur to fight my retainer, Cilrit. He was to fight Cilrit, defeat him, and refuse the title of retainer to send a subtle message to Agrona and set an example for the Alacryan people. To put them on edge and create an unstable platform. To uproot the chains that Agrona shackles these lessers with and cause a rupture between the people of Alacrya and their sovereigns.

Yet, that plan was completely thrown away and nearly forgotten about as a new and even better plan formed before me.

Everyone heard the argument between the now deceased Nico and Grey. Why they were fighting, who they were fighting for. Throwing the true nature of their Sovereigns clear out into the open. Showing them that they are lass than cared for. The civil unrest amongst the people will slowly start to overwhelm them and bring a civil war to this continent.

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