|S a v i o r|

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Hello all! Welcome back.


Just an FYI:
Feelings will be hurt in this chapter.



|Arthur's POV|

It's been a total of four days I think. Each day was the same, I get visited by the friendly torturer Petras, then get questioned by the steward or Lord Granbehl. More torture afterwards. At first it was amusing to watch them struggle to get any reaction out of me, but now it's getting tedious. Now, I sat slumped against the wall next to the cot.

Regis was getting restless, even more so than me. I could feel him constantly shift about within my core. His snarky comments dwindled down, now he's just quiet.

Which is unsettling.

'What's unsettling is me having to stay inside. It's...stuffy in here...' He grumbles in my mind, shifting once more. I simply shook my head, looking down at my tattered clothing.

It was my clothes that suffered more than anything. They didn't bother to at least undress my top half. Instead, Petras cut straight through any cloth that covered me. The shirt I have on is riddled with cuts and blood stains.

Sighing, I pulled the "creeper stone" as Regis put it, from my dimension rune. It glowed in the palm of my hand, no longer absorbing my aether. My heartbeat quickened as I sat up straight in a lotus position. Anxiety creeped into my being as I probed the white crystalline stone with my aether, watching in relief as coils of its own aether reached out to mine.

The feeling of numbness washed over my body as my consciousness was pulled into the relic. The soothing voice echoes in the darkness that engulfed me once more. My memories playing over as one word came to mind.


Immediately, I felt like my soul was being pulled away from my body as a rush of colors engulfed my vision before clearing away completely.

Virion stood in front of me. His eyes are dull, with darkening bags under his eye-line as he was stared past me. I turned around to see civilians and soldiers of Dicathen, sitting or standing. Cries of children reverberates off the walls as I walked forward.

"Mom." I ran to her side. She was trembling with Ellie crying in her arms. They both looked so helpless, as did everyone else. Helen limps over to them, offering a comforting soft smile. It only did so much to ease their nerves. I felt my heart clench in my chest. Sylvie walks over with the rest of the twin horns following close behind. She hugs my mother and sister tightly, wincing when she presses against her...bandages...

Why does she have bandages? When did she get hurt? Why didn't it heal?

I shook my head as I watch her carefully before turning my attention to my surroundings.

The cavern everyone was in was wide, with a high ceiling. The grounds was bare, and nestled up against the walls were glowing crystals that acted as lights. This place was smaller than the place we all originally stayed. Why were they here? Why did they move?

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