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I really am sorry. For those of you who don't already know; This book had gotten taken down for "violating community guidelines"

Although, it didn't state which Guidelines I'd violated.

Anywhore, I'M BACK BABY!
Had to take a break from watty because I was reeaaalllyyy upset.



|Arthur's POV|

As time drags on, I watched over the civilians whilst keeping an eye on the portals I created to lead to the sanctuary. Supplies being taken to and from as soldiers and civilians came in and out of the three portals.

"Lance Arthur, your presence is needed in the conference hall." A soldier much younger than myself says as he gazes at me with star-filled eyes. I nod, thanking him as I began walking towards the royal palace made completely of solid earth. Not too long ago, I'd learned the name of the small girl in my arms.

Nova. Her name is Nova.

A name fit for a bright child.

Despite the traumatic experience of watching her parent be slaughter in front of her, she somehow still found a way to be childlike. She found a way to retain her innocent mind. I don't know exactly why I was taken to her so quickly, maybe it's because we shared similar traumatic experiences, being suddenly separated from our loved ones and still trying to hold on tight to hope.

Either way, I'm already taken to her. The need to protect pulsing harshly within my chest.

I could tell she was special in some way.

We will see in due time.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the two soldiers before, who are escorting me stops in front of two overly large double doors. As they push them open, I am welcomed with the sight of a crystalline room. Smooth rock formations float lightly in the air, leading up to a floating crystalline platform that has a long table seemingly carves from the crystalline platform itself. A brilliant array of light casts throughout the conference room, giving the room an ethereal feel.

My fellow lances, as well as gramps, Dwarven noblemen from powerful families and Madem Asteria all sat around the table. As they saw me approach, their chattering immediately stops.

"Why is there a child with you? This is not a place for children." One of the Dwarven noblemen voices as I carefully sat in an empty chair. All eyes are on me as they awaited an answer.

"...I'm adopting her. That's all you need to know. We have more important things to talk about." I reply monotonously. Nova shifts in her sleep, somehow finding a way to press closer into me. I let my wings settle around her, trying to keep her as comfortable as possible while utilizing sound magic to block out any sounds that could wake her.

"Right, right. How noble of you." The same nobleman replies sardonically as he rolls his eyes. Completely ignoring him, I turn my attention to gramps.

"Funny how you use the word 'noble' when you are a traitor to your own race." The dwarf sitting next to me hums casually as he turns to look at Nova. A single brow of mine is raised at his words, while everyone falls silent.

"Me? Traitor?? Tell me, where were you when the Alacryans started invading our kingdom?"

"I was preparing for the worst, meanwhile you and a few others-who are now dead mind you-made agreements with our enemies and basically let them into our kingdom."

"That was for the safety of our people—"

"Yes, yes. People who are now dead."

"Enough." Though my tone is light, my aura was everything but. "We do not have time to bicker about things we can no longer change. So either shut up, listen and help or get the hell out."

As it fell completely silent, all eyes are on me as I lean back against the chair, closing my eyes. I don't know if it was because I'm tired, or if the pointless banter happening here set it off, but a pulsing headache racked my mind in an almost unbearable way. So much so that I could feel my mood souring by the second.

"We need to figure out where we are going to go next. Places we can strike without losing too many soldiers in the process, while also gaining supplies, saving Dicathian civilians and rounding up any remaining soldiers on the outside." I continued on as everyone seemed to hum in agreement, whilst falling into deep thought.

"We could travel along the Sehz Canal, start at Mayburn then to Carn and Blackbend all the way up to The Wall. From what I know, the Alacryan soldiers have yet to take the Wall." Asteria voices.

"Gather forces and supplies and head to The Wall which hasn't been taken yet. Isn't the train functional?" Gramps questions as he leans forward, his eyes closing in thought.

"It should be. Though I'll have to speak with Gideon about it. I doubt that he had the chance to give it a test run." I answer as everyone else nods.

"Well, if it does work; we can move around not only our forces, but supplies too with little trouble. Especially since the Alacryans know nothing about the train." Varay replies.


"...Yes?" I peel my eyes open to see gramps staring at me in concern. Feeling Nova shift, I look down to see her fully awake, eyes wide as blood drips down her forehead. Her small hands come to press against my nose as tears well up in her eyes.

"Is mister d-dying??" At hearing her words I quickly stood up, knocking the chair I was sitting on backwards. Hastily walking over to gramps, I sit her in his lap, quietly asking him to watch her for now before purple lightning encases my body as I Godstep out of the room.

I didn't know where I was going. Simply letting the aetheric paths pull me along until they suddenly disappear and I stumble to the ground. I could hear Regis' voice; just barely through the pounding in my mind and the ringing in my ears. It felt as if the pain is slowly branching from my head, down my neck, into my spine and spreading to envelope my body. I could see through hazy vision; more blood seemingly gushing from my nose and pooling on the ground.

Voices. I could hear very muffled voices.

Screaming? Who is screaming??

I couldn't do much against the darkness that is slowly creeping into my vision, taking over my consciousness.

What is happening to me??


Hehe, looks like trouble is brewing once more!

What do you guys think is wrong??

Let's see some predictions before the next chapter!

Did you enjoy this update??

See ya!
(1,106 words)

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