Gruvia Week Day 3 ~ Bloom ~

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Juvia was sick of it! She was sick of going on unnoticed by Gray. One day, she thought about giving up on him, but she loved him too much. She had finally had enough. Juvia didn't want to feel this way anymore. If Gray would just give some sign that he noticed her. As days went on, Juvia started to feel depressed. What if Gray never felt the same way for her ever? What if Lyon gave up on her, since she told him Gray was her only love. What if she never would find love again? All of these what ifs went through her mind, but she shook her head. 

"No! I refuse to think this way! I need to talk to someone." Juvia was talking to herself in her room when she heard a knock.

"Juvia? You okay in there?" It was Gray! She rushed to her door, but stopped abruptly when she remembered all the what ifs.

"I'm fine, Gray." Juvia said once she opened her door.

"Are you sure? You look upset about something." Gray said 

"Well, I am, but I don't want to talk about it." Juvia growled not looking at Gray.

"You can talk to me, Juvia. I'm great listener when I want to be." Gray said trying to cheer her up.

"You don't understand! I can't talk to you about it because it's about you!" Juvia shouted in Gray's face, but instantly covered her

mouth when she realized what she said. She began to tear up and then full out sobbed. 

"Shh. It's okay, Juvia." Gray tried to soothe her. He had led her to her bed. They were both sitting on it while Juvia cried into Gray's shirt. He held her in his arms. 

"You okay now, Juvia?" Gray asked when Juvia stopped crying.

"Y-Yeah." Juvia hiccuped. 

"Can I ask what just happened?" Gray asked still holding Juvia in his arms.

"Um, I dunno." Juvia said looking down.

"Come on, Juvia! I already know it's about me, so I'm ready to listen!" Gray leaned closer to her and Juvia blushed at how close he was.

"Fine. Well, I'm just scared that if you never felt the same way about me and Lyon gave up on me since I told him you were my only love, would I ever find love, again? And I wouldn't be able to be a cat lady either because they hate water!" Juvia wanted to cry again, but she kept her composure.

Gray started to laugh.

"What's so funny, Gray?" Juvia asked with furrowed brows.

"Sorry, J-Juvia! It's just that Lyon isn't good enough for you, but neither am I." Gray admitted.

"What are you talking about?" Juvia was thoroughly confused.

"I like you as well, Juvia! I always have, even when you were my enemy. I was impressed with your skills and thought you were pretty amazing. I'm sorry I never said anything before, but I was just too nervous to admit it." Gray said rubbing the back of his neck with one hand while holding Juvia with the other.

"Are you serious, Gray?" Juvia began to smile.

"I'm very serious, Juvia!" Gray said looking into Juvia's eyes.

"Oh, Gray!" Juvia looked back into his eyes.

They both started to lean in, while their eyes drifted shut, until their lips met. They moved in sync. When they pulled apart, they smiled at each other.

"See, Juvia! Now, you have another reason for why you can't become a cat lady!" Gray said causing Juvia to crack up.

This is where their relationship started to bloom. Eventually, it would blossom into something even more special!

A/N- I almost forgot to write one for today! And I'm so sorry it's so short!! I didn't want to upload one too late. It also took me awhile to think what to write about that involved the word bloom somehow. I was going to use a flower, but I decided that would be too obvious, but this oneshot wasn't the best, anyways! Again, I'm sorry! Anywho, I will be updating again tomorrow, so hopefully it'll be longer and better! Whenever I write one of these, I watch different Gruvia videos on YouTube! Some of them make me almost cry sad and happy tears! That's all I have for now! Remember to stay awesome and watch some Gruvia vids!! I love you all! Byyeee!!

Oh, yeah! I almsot forgot about the question! Okay, here it is: What is your favorite episode of Fairy Tail? Mine is episode 22- Lucy Heartfilia because I love the cute NaLu moment when Lucy jumps off the building and Natsu catches her! I love most of the episodes as well, but that one just stands out to me more! <3 <3

-MAJ xx

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