Jerza Week Day 2 ~ Sunset ~

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"Come back here, Jellal!!" Erza shouted at her husband-to-be.

"NEVER!!" He shouted back to his wife-to-be.

"Seriously, come here! We have to decide a date for our wedding!" She said and he finally stopped running away from her.

"Fine!" Jellal pouted... Sheesh, he could be so childish sometimes!

"Thank you!" Erza smiled and kissed him on the lips to make him stop pouting, which it did.

"Maybe I should pout more often!" Jellal said with a smirk.

"Maybe." Erza said with a smirk of her own.

"So, about the wedding, I think it should be when the sun starts to set." Jellal suggested.

"Why then?" Erza questioned.

"Because it reminds me of the day we almost kissed. Even though we didn't kiss, I knew that was when we were both in love with each other." Jellal explained and Erza just stared at him.

"Wow. That was kind of deep!" Erza said with wide eyes.

"I guess. So, what do you think?" He asked her.

"I love that idea! I think we should have the wedding soon! How about in a few months, like in... 3 months?" Erza asked while pacing around the room.

"I don't have a problem with that! We should make sure the others are okay with that as well, though!" Jellal said while grabbing Erza and having her sit on his lap to get her to stop pacing.

"Alright!" Erza said and quickly pecked Jellal on the lips before jumping off and running out the door.

Erza couldn't wait for this wedding! She hoped everyone could make it! She was relieved that everyone was so happy for her and Jellal when they told them the news.

~ Flashback ~

"JELLAL AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!" Erza shouted at the top of her lungs when she entered the guild the day after Jellal proposed.

"What?! Really?" Mirajane ran up and hugged them both.

"Of course! Erza is the only one for me, so why not!" Jellal said with a chuckle and Erza punched him lightly on the arm.

"Aww!! You guys are so cute! Congrats!" Lucy gushed as she walked up to them.

"Thanks, Lucy!" Jellal said to the blonde.

"Congratulations, you two!" Master Makarov said and Erza hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Master! By the way, I need to speak to you about something!" Erza said letting him go.

"What is it, my child?" Master asked when they got away from the others.

"Do you think you could walk me down the aisle?" Erza said with hopeful eyes.

"Me? Well, of course I will, my deary!" Master said while starting to cry because he was so happy.

"Thank you! I'm so happy you agreed!" Erza said giving him another hug.

"ERZA!!" Natsu yelled over everyone else to gain her attention.

"Yes, Natsu?" Erza walked over to him.

"Are you still willing to fight me, even if you get married?" He asked seriously.

"Of course! I will never back down from a fight!" Erza said matter-of-factly.

"Good!" Natsu said making fire come out of his fists.

After all of the congrats from the guild members, a question was asked... A very important one.

"So, when's the wedding?" Mira asked them.

"Uh..." Was all the couple could do with blank expressions.

"You haven't decided yet?" Lucy asked this time.

"No... we'll tell you when we decide! We'll talk about it later tonight!" Erza said and Jellal nodded in agreement.

"Okay! I can't wait!" Lucy squealed.

~ End of Flashback ~

"HEY! WE NEED EVERYONE'S ATTENTION!!" Erza yelled once they made it to the guild that same day.

"We're listening, Erza! Go on!" Master said after he hit Natsu to shut up.

"Thank you! We've decided to have the wedding in 3 months! It's going to be during the sunset! We'll give you more details when we figure out some more stuff. So, do any of you have a problem with this?" Erza explained.

"I think we'll all be able to attend!" Mira stated with a smile.

"Good! If any of you have any questions or concerns, just ask us! That will be all for now!" Erza replied.

After some serious and stupid questions, they went to Erza's place. Most of the stupid questions were asked by Natsu, so yeah. That explains it all. Erza was still impressed with Jellal about the whole sunset thing. Who knew he could be so deep! Anyways, Erza and Jellal were even more excited about their wedding! Much more planning was needed, though! Hopefully, Jellal had more good ideas! Erza fell asleep in Jellal's arms that night with a smile on her face and thinking of how wonderful their future will be together.

A/N - Hey everyone! So, I don't know how I feel about this one. I feel like it's rushed, but oh well. I hope you guys enjoyed it, at least. I honestly don't know what else to say than see ya tomorrow for another Jerza one-shot! I guess that's all for now, then! Remember to love Jerza and stay positive!! I love you all! Byyeee!!

- MAJ xx

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