Gruvia Week Day 4 ~ Demons ~

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Gray was in his room when he heard a loud screech from outside. He quickly ran out of his room toward the sound. Once he made it outside, he saw these creatures of darkness flying around in the sky. Suddenly, Gray heard a scream and he saw Juvia being surrounded. 

"Juvia!" Gray shouted as he ran towards her. 

"Gray!" Juvia screamed.

"Don't worry Juvia! I'll protect you! Ice make lance!!" Gray lunges at the creatures and impales them. They dissapear, but more come at them!

"Water Slicer!" Juvia's magic destroyed them. 

It was no use. It seemed when they thought they were gone, twice as many came. They didn't know what to do. When they thought all hope was lost, they heard shouts coming from behind them. Gray turned slightly to see colorful heads rushing to their side.

"Gray! Juvia! You guys okay?" Erza shouted running towards them.

"Uh, yeah! What are these things?" Gray asked.

"They're like those creatres we fought during Phantom Lord... Shades." Erza answered.

"But they don't regenerate like last time, which will hopefully make it easier." Bisca said this time while Alzack nodded his head in agreement. Makarov stayed inside the guild with Asuka, their daughter, so she wouldn't get hurt. 

"Where are they coming from? And why are there so many?" Gray shouted over the noise of the battle.

"We don't know, exactly. We're thinking a dark guild did this." Lucy said after she summoned Loke.

As they continued to fight, more and more kept coming. Eventually, they got sick of it. Gray and Juvia decided to do a unison raid. 

Water and icycles shot out from different places piercing most the shades. Natsu helped by using his lightning fire dragon attack. Erza used her heaven's wheel magic to finish them off. All of the shades dissapeared and didn't come back.

"Well done, Gray and Juvia!" Erza complimented them with a smile.

"Yeah! We couldn't of beaten them without that unison raid of yours!" Lucy cheered.

"It's no big deal." Gray said casually.

"Yeah. Why are you all complimenting Gray when I should be one getting complimented!" Natsu shouted at them. 

"You were great, too, Natsu! Is that what you wanted to hear? You happy now?" Lucy said to Natsu who just pouted in response.

"Juvia?" Gray said to her since she hasn't said a word.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" Juvia replied while looking up with a blush.

"You were being quiet, so I was just wondering if you were okay, that's all." Gray said.

"Yeah, I'm f-fine!" Juvia stuttered when she noticed Gray was pretty close to her.

"Alright! Well, we should head to the guild!" Gray suggested and Juvia nodded slowly.

"Wait a second, Gray!" Juvia said when Gray started to leave.

"Yeah? What is it?" Gray asked turning back around to look at her.

"Uh, um, I know you think it's ridiculous that I love you, but I do. When we did that unison raid, I felt happy. I wish you would feel the same for me as I do for you, but I know you don't-" Juvia got cut off by Gray crashing his lips onto hers. 

"Who said I didn't?" Gray said when they broke apart.

"Oh, Gray!" Juvia leaped into his arms.

They headed for the guild with everyone else. Natsu was still complaining about not being complimented, but got over it when Lucy brought over some food for him and a fish for Happy. Gray and Juvia went over and sat with them.

"You guys kissed?!" Lucy said with a shocked expression.

"Yup!" Gray said and Juvia nodded.

"So, are you two an item, then?" Natsu said pointing a fork at the two of them.

"Yes, yes we are!" Gray confirmed and kissed Juvia again.

"Aww! You guys are so cute!" Lucy gushed.

"So, Lucy, when are you and Natsu gonna get together?" Juvia asked causing Lucy to blush.

"Eh?!" Natsu said looking at Juvia then Lucy.

"Oh, nothing! Forget I said anything, Natsu!" Juvia said with a wink.

"Okay?" Natsu said and then continued to chomp away at his food. 

"Oblivious as always!" Gray said.

"Yes, indeed!" Lucy agreed while shaking her head.

"Gray, we need to make it official!" Juvia suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Gray asked confused.

"You have to ask me to be your girlfriend infront of the whole guild!" Juvia said with a squeal.

"Why infront of the entire guild?" Gray complained earning a light slap on the head from Juvia.

"Come along, my darling!" Juvia said walking to the middle of the guild.

"Fine!" Gray finally agreed and followed her.

Once they both made it to the middle, Gray took hold of Juvia's hands and looked into her eyes. Everyone around them went silent.

"Juvia Lockser, will you be my girlfriend?" Gray said.

"Of course, my darling Gray!" Juvia leaped into his arms for the second time that day.

Everyone cheered as they shared, yet another kiss of pure love for eachother.

A/N- Hey guys! So sorry for uploading this so late! It took forever to come up with an idea that involved demons of some sort. Even if shades aren't demons, just go with it. I'll have to upload one either at a descent time for once or super late because I'll be with family tomorrow for Easter! I'm excited! Are you guys? Anyways, that's all I really have to say! Oh! If you watch the video, skip to 10:33 and watch until 12:14 to see Gray and Juvia's unison raid! <3 Remember to spread Gruiva love and watch Fairy Tail or just anime in general! Haha! I love you all! Byyeee!

Question: Which character from Fairy Tail would you be? I think I would be either Juvia or Lucy because I love Juvia, but I would like to be friends with her. Lucy likes to write and so do I, so that's something we have in common. It's a tough choice betweent those two! <3 <3

-MAJ xx

Fairy Tail one-shots!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang