Jerza Week day 5 ~ Bells ~

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Erza's P.O.V 

            I'm so happy right now!! It's finally my wedding day. I'm marrying my best friend. I can't believe that it's already time. I walked out of Lucy's apartment as the bells went off telling me it was 12pm. I was at Lucy's because all the girls from Fairy Tail and other guilds were invited for a sleepover before my wedding today. It was a real fun night! 

            Jellal had his own sleepover with all the guys at his house. I'm curious if his house is still intact. I sure hope it is because that's where we'll be living after we get married. Natsu and Gray better have behaved themselves as well as everyone else, but I was mostly concerned about those two. Jellal is good at keeping them under control, so that's good.

I can't wait for tonight! I can't wait to see Jellal when the sun starts to set!

"Erza! Where you going?" Lucy asked as she followed me out the door.

"Just for a walk. And to go back at my place to get started." I answered her.

"Don't you want us to help?" Mirajane asked this time as she appeared next to Lucy.

"Yeah, I would like to help, as well." Kagura said with a little bit of a blush.

"Alright, then! I'll just run to my place to take a shower and bring some stuff back over here. We'll meet back at Lucy's at 1pm, okay?!" Erza told everyone who was there to which they agreed.

Once Erza was back at her place, she took a thoughtful shower and then requipped into her usual outfit. She found herself looking at her photos on her dresser of her friends, Jellal, and of herself. She smiled and thought of all these good times.

Who would of thought time would fly like this. Erza felt like she just started dating Jellal and now they were about to get married!

Erza grabbed her wedding dress, jewelry, and whatever else before she started to return to Lucy's apartment. Along the way, she ran into Cana, who by the looks of it, was very intoxicated.

"Cana? Shouldn't you be at Lucy's by now?" Erza asked.

"Oh, hey E-Erza... I just came out for a d-drink..." Cana hiccupped.

"Come on. I'll take you back with me. I sure hope you can stay sober for the wedding."

Erza let Cana sit on top of her belongings in the wagon she was dragging behind her. Cana hiccupped most of the way to Lucy's apartment. Eventually, they made it and almost everyone was there. They still had to wait for Meredy and Millianna. Who knew those two would be such good friends.

"I'll go look for them." Kagura said and as she was about to leave, the two entered.

"What took you guys so long?" Erza asked them.

"Sorry, did we worry you, Erzy werzy?" Millianna asked.

"We just went to get something for you." Meredy explained.

"Really? What is it?" Erza asked.

"This!" They both said and handed Erza a doll that looked like Jellal, which caused Erza to blush hard.

"Thanks, this is adorable." Erza held the Jellal doll close to her chest.

"We gave an Erza doll to Jellal yesterday and he said the same thing!" Merdy said with a laugh.

"Well, it's time to get you ready, Erza!" Lucy said with a smile.

****4 hours later****

Erza had her hair done up all fancy thanks to Lucy's celestial spirit, Cancer. Lisanna and Mira did her make-up. Kagura was going to help put Erza's wedding dress on, once they were at the guild. First, they went out for a big lunch/supper, since they wouldn't be eating again until after sunset.

**2 more hours later**

Everyone was finally at the guild getting ready. The scenery outside for the wedding was absolutely perfect. It's everything Erza wanted and more. Kagura was super excited and glad she could help. She helped Erza into her dress.

Erza's Dress:

Bridesmaids: Lucy, Bisca, Kagura, Millianna

Maid of honor: Mirajane

Groomsmen: Gray, Sho, Wally, Jura

Best man: Natsu (A/N- I didn't know who else to pick...)

Flower Girls: Asuka and Wendy

Ring Bearer: Romeo

It was finally time!

Erza stood inside the guild as everyone took their seats outside. She saw Jellal and smiled. The music started to play and everyone got quiet. Master Makarov opened the doors and walked Erza down the aisle. Everyone was smiling as they made their way down to where Jellal stood dressed in all white with a red tie to match Erza's hair and jewelry. She decided to even where the locket necklace that Jellal gave her, which he noticed. Jellal was, also, wearing the key as a necklace that he got from Erza, which she noticed as well.

After all the usual wedding stuff happened, they said their vows, which were super sweet. They were both practically in tears when the preacher said to Jellal, "You may now kiss the bride!" And Jellal went for it as he passionately kissed Erza.

Everyone cheered and started to cause a ruckus, but this was normal. Everyone went back inside the guild to eat. All the table were set up nicely with strawberries as the centerpiece. Elfman and Gray set up a dance floor for after the late dinner.

Erza sat with Jellal and the rest of the wedding party. They all stuffed their faces and after everyone was fired up, it was time to boogy! Gray was the DJ and played all of Erza and Jellal's favorite songs.

Everyone danced and drank all night long! It was definitely a night to remember, especially for Jellal and Erza. In the early hours of the next morning, everyone was passed out in the guild hall.

Erza woke up and smiled when she realized what happened. She was in Jellal's arms, who was sound asleep.

She was excited for their future and what it holds. Fairy Tail will always be her home and she was glad she could share this with Jellal and everyone else. Erza was so happy with her life that she fell back asleep with wonderful dreams about it.

A/N- And that concludes Jerza's wonderful wedding story! Btw, super sorry for making everyone wait for like a year or something for this. I have no excuses really other than that I was lazy and kinda forgot. Anyways, it's Summer, so I promise I'll be writing more one-shots! I'm still taking suggestions for whatever couples you want! Thank you everyone for supporting and yeah! That's all really! Stay positive and spread kindness! I love you all! Byyeee!!

-MAJ <3

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