Fairy Tail ~ Memories ~

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Note - The picture above is for Lucy's outfit which is mentioned later. You'll understand when you get to that part. Thanks for reading!

(3rd person P.O.V.)

"Say cheese!' Mira said pointing her camera at the group.

"Cheese!" The group said with their cheesy smiles.

"One more! There, perfect! These pictures are amazing." Mira said looking at them.

"I want to see." Lucy said walking over.

"Look at Natsu."

"NATSU!" Lucy shouted and ran over to hit him on the head.

"What was that for?" Natsu asked rubbing his head.

"You were giving me and Levy bunny ears. You're lucky it wasn't in both pictures or I would've Lucy kicked your butt."

"Oh yeah." Natsu gave a giggle and ran away.

"Natsu, get back- oh well, I don't care." Lucy sighed and sat down.

Taking these pictures got Lucy thinking. She loves going through and reminiscing about the good old days through pictures. She decided to go home and grab a bunch.

She smiled as she saw one of her and Natsu on their first date. What a wild ride dating him is, but she doesn't regret it in the slightest. As she grabbed more, a knock echoed through her apartment. Lucy looked at her door and walked over. Looking through her peephole, she saw no one. She opened her door and took a step out to look around. Before her foot even moved, Carla appeared in the doorway. She looked frantic.

"Carla, what's wrong?" Lucy asked as the exceed flew into her apartment.

"I need advice."

"Okay, about what?"

"Happy, he's been acting different ever since I agreed to go out with him."

"He's probably just wants to impress you. I don't see what the big deal is."

"That's just it, though. I don't want him to feel like he has to change to be with me."

"Aw, that's a sweet thing to say. I think you should talk to him about it."

"You're probably right, Lucy. Thanks."

"Yeah, and if that doesn't work, just beat it into him."

"Yeah, I suppose that might work better. What's with all the pictures?" Carla asked looking at the giant pile on the table.

"Oh, well I thought it would be fun to go through some old memories. I'm taking them to the guild after I gather a few more."

"Okay, I'll see you there then. I'm off!" Carla flew off.

"See ya!" Lucy waved at the white cat.

Lucy continued looking for more pictures. As soon as she got all of them, she shoved them into a bag and took off toward the guild. Upon entering the guild, she ran into Mira. She was currently dusting the place.

"Hey Lucy. What's the rush?" Mira asked with a smile.

"Oh nothing. It's just that I want to get these pictures to a table to go through them with everyone."

"That sounds fun. I'll gladly go through them with you."

"Thanks, Mira!"

They made their way to a big table more towards the middle of the guild. Lucy poured all of her pictures out of the bag. A few fell to the ground, but Natsu and Gray were there to help pick them up.

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