Jerza Week Day 3 ~ Diamonds ~

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Erza was at the guild admiring her engagment ring when she noticed how big the diamond was. How did Jellal get enough jewels for this? Mira came over to Erza once she noticed the look on her face.

"Is something wrong, Erza? You look confused." Mira stated.

"Well, it's just... here, look at my ring. The diamond is huge, isn't it?" Erza asked sticking the ring infront of Mira's face.

"Yes, it is! Is there a problem with it?" Mira asked with a kind smile.

"No, not reallly. It's just, how did Jellal get enough jewels for this?" Erza replied putting her hand back down.

"Who knows! Maybe you should ask him!" Mira suggested.

"Maybe I will! But what if he thinks I'm being nosey or something?" Erza said putting her head on her hands.

"Just ask him, Erza! No harm in asking, you know! Now, go!" Mira said pushing Erza out of the guild.

"Fine! I'm going!" Erza gave in and started towards Jellal's home.

Even though Jellal and Erza have been together for quite awhile, they still have seperate homes. They stay over at eachother's homes, of course! When they get married, they will be getting a home together! Anyways, Erza eventually made it to Jellal's house and she knocked his door 3 times. No answer. She knocked 3 times again. Still no answer. Erza was now worried and used her key to get in.

She always felt the need to knock, instead of using her key right away. She wanted to be respectful and not ruin his privacy.

"Jellal?! Are you home?!!" Erza shouted once she entered his home.

No answer. It was really quiet, so Erza went back to the front door to go back to the guild when the door handle started to twist. Erza was hoping it was Jellal, but it wasn't.

"Ultear? Meredy?" Erza was thoroughly confused why these two were here.

"Oh, hey, Erza!" Ultear said nervously and Meredy just nodded.

"Why are you two here?" Erza asked the duo.

"Jellal just wanted us to get something for him." Ultear said as Meredy went upstairs.

"What is it that you have to get for him, exactly?" Erza asked.

"Listen, Erza. I can't tell you. You have to ask him yourself! Sorry!" Ultear ran out the door after Meredy retreived whatever Jellal


"Wait!" It was too late, they both disappeared.

That was strange, Erza thought. She left Jellal's place and ran to the guild, but not before locking the door, of course! She saw a blue-haired person walking in front of her. She knew it was Jellal just by the way he walked and the clothes he was wearing. She ran up to him and put her arms around him from behind. In response, he flipped her over and she hit the ground with a thud.

"Thanks for that, Jellal!" Erza said smiling, even though she was in a bit of pain.

"Erza! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" Jellal asked with wide eyes.

"It takes a lot more than that to get me down!" Erza said with a laugh while getting up.

"Sorry, Erza. I didn't know it was you. I thought it might be an enemy or something." Jellal explained.

"I guess we never know with Magnolia. Thieves on every corner, so watch out!" Erza said while entwining her fingers with Jellal's.

"I love you, Erza!" Jellal said causing Erza to blush.

"I love you, too, Jellal!" Erza said back and pecked him on the cheek.

They walked to the guild together, but before they entered, Erza pulled Jellal to the side to ask him the question she's been needing to

ask him.

"Um, I need to, uh, ask you s-something." Erza stuttered.

"What is it?" Jellal said, curiously.

"How did you get enough jewels to pay for this diamond?" Erza said pointing at her ring.

"Well, I've been saving up over the last 3 years! I, also, may have gotten some help from Ultear and Meredy!" He explained with a

sheepish smile.

"Oh. By the way, I ran into them at your house. They said they had to get something for you. What was it?" Erza asked.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot! Close your eyes!" Jellal instructed and Erza did as she was told.

"Can I open them yet?" Erza asked as she heard some rustling.

"Hold on... Okay, you may open your eyes now!" Jellal replied and Erza gasped when she opened her eyes.

"Wow! It's beautiful! Your girlfriend is one lucky girl!" Erza said with a smile while admiring the necklace.

"More like my fiance, who is you!" Jellal tackled her into a hug.

"So, can you put it on me?" Erza asked.

"Of course!" He responded while taking the necklace out of the box.

Erza lifted her fiery red hair up as Jellal put the necklace around her neck. The necklace had a heart locket on it. She opened it to find a picture of her and Jellal laughing together. A tear came out of one of her eyes, but quickly wiped it away. She loved it and loved the man standing before her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss right on his lips. As she put her arms back to her sides, her right arm hit something in her jean jacket pocket.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I forgot about this! This was supposed to be your present for our 3 year anniversary!" Erza explained while taking a box of her own out of her pocket and handing it to Jellal.

"Better late than never!" Jellal teased taking the box.

"I hope you like it!" Erza said watching him with anxious eyes.

Jellal opened the box to see a key.

"A key?" He said and looked at his fiance.

"You're the key to my heart. I know it might be stupid-" Jellal cut her off with a kiss.

"I love it. And I love you!" Jellal breathed out when they parted.

"I'm glad you like. And I love you, too!" Erza said and they went into the Fairy Tail guild together.

Erza was happy she knew the truth about how the diamond on her finger came to be. Friends are so nice to have. They are always there for you when you need them most and help you out whenever you need it! Erza wouldn't of cared if the diamond was super small, she was just glad Jellal proposed to her. She hoped nothing would go wrong because she wanted the wedding to be perfect!

A/N - So, I don't really know if this one made any sense, but oh well! I hope you enjoy! That's literally all I have to say, I guess! Remember to be positive and stay friendly! I love you guys!! Byyeee!!

- MAJ xx

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