NaLu Week Day 4 ~ Secrets ~

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Natsu was hiding something. Something that he doesn't want anyone to know. Happy doesn't even know. His secret is that he has feelings for someone, but they're good friends and he doesn't want it to get in the way of their friendship. He needed to talk to someone about it before his feelings go too far and his heart explodes. Natsu has never felt this way for someone before and was, actually, kind of scared. What if they rejected him if he told his feelings? What would he do if they didn't want to friends anymore? He didn't want to lose his precious friendship with them, so he bottled up his feelings and never told anyone.

Natsu was at the guild with everyone else. He kept sneaking glances at the person he's fallen for. They didn't seem to notice, but someone else did.

"Hey Natsu? Can I talk to you?" Erza asked.

"Uh, sure." Natsu said and followed Erza to a secluded area.

"I wanted to know if you are okay?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you keep looking at-"

"Erza!?" Mirajane shouted and Erza turned around.

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"Master wanted to talk to you right away."

"Okay. Natsu, we'll talk later." Erza said and walked away.

Natsu was nervous as Erza now knew something was up. She didn't know exactly what, but he was worried. If he told her, everyone would eventually find out. He had to do something to make sure that doesn't happen. An idea popped into his head, but it wasn't the best. Oh well.


Natsu was at home now and writing in a journal. It was like a diary, but he called it a journal because it sounds better. He wrote how he felt about the person he likes, possibly even loves. It might be not love, yet, but whatever. He also wrote down his plan to make sure nobody figures out who it is he likes/loves. Suddenly, Happy appeared above him and reading everything he wrote. He started to laugh.

"HAPPY?! What do you think you're doing??" Natsu shouted at his blue flying cat.

"You like-!" Happy got cut off.

"Shut up! Don't tell anyone or I will burn you to a crisp!" Natsu kept shouting.

"Okay, okay! I won't, but wow. I knew you liked her! It's kind of obvious." Happy said, but shut up when Natsu made a fist of fire.


It was the next day and Erza wanted to get back to their little talk. Natsu made up an excuse that it was just her imagination and that he had a little twitch yesterday. Erza wasn't buying it, so she pushed foward. Natsu freaked, so he ended up saying a name.

"Lisanna!" Was the name that came out of his mouth.

"Wait, what?" Erza responded in bewilderment.

When Erza blinked, Natsu was gone. He ran over to where Lisanna was and whispered in her ear what was happening. She agreed to the plan because they are best friends, after all! She didn't want to let him down, so she was willing to help.

"Natsu like likes Lisanna? I thought he liked Lucy!" Wakaba said after Erza started to spread the news.

"Me, too! Totally wrong, I guess!" Macoa added in.

Soon, everyone heard the news, even Lucy. As soon as she heard it, she left the guild and headed home. She was heartbroken. Natsu saw her leave and was confused.

Why would she leave? It's not like she felt the same way... or did she? If she did, he made a horrible mistake!

"Natsu, this isn't good!" Lisanna whispered to him.

"What do you mean?" He whispered back.

"I don't think we can pretend to do this for very long for two reasons. One, someone is gonna find out it's a lie. Two, I don't like you, but someone else really does."

"What? Who?!" Natsu said, shocked.

"I can't tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy. Sorry!"

Natsu didn't like sharing his own secrets, so he wasn't going to push Lisanna to tell him. He hoped it was Lucy, but if that's true, she probably hated him now.

Damn, if only he knew! The struggle was real!

A/N- Okay, I'm sorry for the late upload, but better late than never! For me, that's very true! I'm a huge procrastinator and proud of it! Haha! Anyways, this is a 2 parter! The next one has to do with the word struggle, so it fits! I'm also sorry that it's super short! I was just in a lazy mood today and didn't want to do

anything! Sorry, again! Anyways, that's all for now! Remember to be truthful and stay positive! Love you all! Byyeee!!

- MAJ xx

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