NaLu Week Day 6 ~ Climax ~

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(This is in an alternate universe where Natsu is a beast, but Lucy is still a wizard.)

Lucy's p.o.v

Natsu was gone. I didn't know where he was. Everyone needed him to be here or we wouldn't leave. He's gonna be in so much trouble if he's pulling a prank. I looked through the whole house and he wasn't in his room or his favorite places. We were running out of time. The bus leaves in 10 minutes. Everyone was anxious and wanted to go already. I was starting to get worried as we only had 5 minutes now. Everyone else gave up, but I didn't . Natsu wouldn't want to worry us on purpose and stay here alone.

"Hey guys, I'm going to keep looking. You can go without us. We'll catch up." I said to everyone before the bus was about to leave.

"No, I'll look. He's my brother, after all." Zeref said and I shook my head.

"No, you stay with Mavis. It's fine. I got this." I said and got off the bus.

I watched the bus leave and I ran back into the house. You see, we all live in a house that fits about 30 people. Natsu's room was right next to mine, so we became close really fast. Natsu is my best friend, but I feel like he's been keeping something from me recently. Now, because of his disappearance, I'm sure of it, but I'm so worried at the same time. I hope he's okay, but if he is, I'm going to kick his ass.

"Natsu! Where are you?!" I shouted when I entered the house, again, but there was no response.

I went to the back of the house and shouted again, but still nothing. I ran to the shed where we kept different outside activity equipment. I peeked inside and saw something moving. It was making strange, almost inhuman, noises.

"Natsu, is that you?" I whispered and opened the door wider.

I was greeted with a noise that sounded like a growl.

"Natsu...?" As the light from the door shone on him, I freaked.

Natsu was laying on floor of the shed by a hole in one of the walls. His body was... changing and it didn't seem natural. I walked over to him and sat down.

"Lu-Lucy..." Natsu tried to say, but it was hard to hear as it didn't sound human.

"Yes, Natsu, it's me. Are you okay? What's happening to you?" I said and laid a hand on his back, which was drenched in sweat.

His back arched up fast and he spewed vomit through the hole in the wall, which was smart as we didn't want to buy new equipment. Anyways, my hand was now soaked with his sweat, but I kept it there in hopes of comforting him, even though I had no idea what was going on. I cast a spell on him to understand what was happening, but it didn't work. Then, a memory popped into my brain.

~ Flashback ~

"Hey, where's Natsu?" I asked Mira one day.

"Um, out. He went with Zeref to some place they wanted to check out." Mira replied with a weird expression.

"Okay. Btw, Mira, I know I should ask him myself, but what is he? Like, what kind of supernatural is he?" I asked seriously and Mira gave a puzzled look.

"I thought you knew. Since, he hasn't told you, I probably shouldn't, either. It's not my secret to tell." Mira said and I nodded.

"I understand. As long as he is a beast that's going to eat me, I should be fine, then!" I laughed.

"That'd be interesting! Natsu wouldn't eat anybody, anyways. I got to get back to work. See ya later, Lucy." Mira smiled and walked off.

~ End of Flashback ~

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