Fairy Tail ~ Truth or Dare ~

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It was a chilly night as this big group of friends were having a slumber party. They all were staying at a hotel for the weekend. Boys had one room while the girls had the other. The rooms were giant, so they didn't feel cramped when they all were in one of the rooms.

It was the first night and they all knew what that meant. Truth or dare. This was going to be interesting, especially since there were newcomers. Jellal, Erza, Laxus, and Mira had never before been a part of this interesting game. They were all excited as they all sat in a circle in the girl's room. Since Lucy and Natsu started this tradition, one of them always gets to go first, unless they say otherwise.

Natsu was going first as he said, "Since we have some newbies, I'm going to pick on them," Erza glared at him when his eyes landed on her, but Natsu just smirked.

"Erza... Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Erza said with confidence, which he wanted to be destroyed, but could never happen.

"I dare you to change into the most embarrassing requip you have."

"Easy." Erza said as she transformed into a bunny outfit she had to which Jellal almost fainted.

"Nice. I guess it's your turn now." Natsu said to Erza as she nodded.

"Okay... Let's see. Mira, truth or dare?" Erza said and Mira smiled.

"Dare!" Mira said with excitement.

"Hm, I dare you to lick all the guys's cheeks." Erza said and Mira obeyed. She went to Natsu first and went down the line until she finally ended with Laxus. All the guys didn't know how to feel as their girls were next to them. Only Laxus was really allowed to enjoy it. Keep in mind, only Gale and NaLu are cannon here.

After a bunch more harmless dares and a few truths here and there, the original group knew it was time to kick it up a notch. It was finally Lucy's turn after she had to say what she liked most about Natsu. She said everything as she didn't want to say what she was really thinking.

"Finally, my turn. Juvia, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" She said.

"I dare you to give Gray a lap dance." Lucy said as she leaned on Natsu.

"Alright!" Juvia did as she was told as if she's done it before. Gray enjoyed it, but pretended he didn't.

"Now, it's my turn! Jellal, truth or dare."

"Tr- Dare..." Jellal wanted to do truth, but the way Erza looked at him. He just knew she wanted him to say dare.

"It's time." Juvia said and everyone, except the newbies nodded as they understood.

"Time? Time for what?" Jellal asked with wide eyes.

"Exactly that, time. 7 minutes to be exact!" Juvia said with a squeal.

"Oh." Was all Jellal could manage.

"Don't worry. You get to do it with Erza!!" Juvia said with cheer and everyone else had pleased looks on their faces.

Erza was so ready for this. She grabbed Jellal and pulled him into a nearby closet. Everyone else talked about this and that until 7 minutes was up. They could hear a few bumps here and there which they all giggled and chuckled about. They kind of felt bad for Jellal, but knew he would be fine in the end. Erza just is crazy in love with him, but could go overboard. She's obviously the dominant one.

"Alright, you two lovebirds, your seven minutes is up!" Juvia said next to the door, but there was no reply.

"Erza? Jellal?" Lucy said pounding on the door. Still nothing.

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