Jerza ~ Pregnancy Scavenger Hunt~

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Erza was pacing around her and Jellal's master bedroom. It had high ceilings with light blue wallpaper with flowery designs along the walls. Their queen-sized bed was set at an angle in the corner and other furniture was set up around the room. Erza designed the room herself and loved every square inch of it. Jellal didn't know much about designing and Erza already had stuff planned out, so she didn't mind at all that she did it all. Jellal helped with the kitchen and living room a bit, so that was nice. This was their dream house which they built after they got married. However, Erza was pacing around the room trying not to panic.

"I don't know what to do. How should I tell him... I can't believe this happened so quickly. It's okay. Calm down, Erza." She was talking out loud to keep herself calm. She stopped for a moment and looked in the mirror at her reflection. She startled herself by the tears coming out of her eyes. She didn't realize she had started to cry. She wiped them away quickly and went over to sit down on the bed. She looked once more at the stick in her hand. This was the fourth one to make sure it was truly right. It had two lines which meant Erza was pregnant.

"Mira, I need you to come over now. Bring Lucy and Juvia with you. No guys allowed, though. Thanks. Yeah, bye." Erza hung up and quickly called Kagura and Millianna to come over as well. Mira and Juvia showed up first. Lucy will be coming over later. She was on a job with Natsu, Happy, and Wendy at the moment. Erza let them in and told them she was waiting for the two other girls to show up before sharing why they were there. Mira already had a hunch.

"Hey Juvia, I think I know what's going on with Erza." Mira whispered as Erza stood by the door out of earshot.

"What do you think it is?" Juvia asked with a raised brow.

"Well, she's clearly freaked out and Erza doesn't freak easy. And you know, after getting married, couples probably get hot n heavy on their honeymoon. Who knows if they used protection or that it failed them." Mira explained and Juvia's face turned a tint of pink.

"Are you suggesting she has a baby growing inside of her?" Juvia said with a frazzled expression.

"Erzy werzy!" Millianna yelled as she tried to jump into Erza's arms, but Erza backed away and she fell on her butt.

"Sorry Milly, I can't let you do that right now. Please come in. Thank you two for coming." Erza opened the door wide for them.

"What are sisters for." Kagura walked in behind Milly and gave a shy smile while Erza rolled her eyes.

With them all sat in the living room, Erza took a deep breath. However, before she could say anything, Juvia burst into hysterics. She was thinking about her own beloved and how many babies they would have. Mira tried to calm her down before she said anything, but it was too late.

"Babies! I want to have babies with my beloved, too!" Juvia shouted and everyone turned to stare at Erza as Mira face-palmed.

"Babies? Erza, you're-"

"Pregnant, yes." Erza cut Kagura off.

"Oh good, I thought you were opening daycare." Milly said and everyone laughed.

"Oh heck no. I wouldn't be able to deal with so many children that aren't mine." Erza shuddered at the thought.

"Seriously, though, congratulations!" Mira said with a smile.

"Yeah, congrats." Kagura added.

"Same here, how did Jellal take the news?" Milly asked.

"Um, well, you see..." Erza trailed off.

"You haven't told him yet?" Mira said with a shocked face.

"That's why I asked you all to come here. I just found out myself and I'm freaking out about it. I don't know how to tell him and what he'll say when he finds out. I think this all just happened way too quick."

Fairy Tail one-shots!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora