Cappy ~ Take my fish ~

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Happy was flying along the road. He was looking for a river to fish in. He was very hungry. Natsu and everyone else were off doing their own things that Happy wasn't interested in doing. Happy finally found a river deep into the East Forest right outside of Magnolia. This is where Porlyusica lives. He hoped he wouldn't run into her at all. Happy cast out his line. He sat there for 10 minutes, then finally the line started to move. He caught one! He really caught one!!

"Yippee!!" Happy shouted, but soon turned grim when he couldn't pull it out of the water.

"Do you need help, Happy?" Wendy asked coming up to Happy.

"Uh-huh." Happy said, glumly.

"Okay... There you go!" They both pulled and out came a huge fish.

"Thank you, Wendy... Wait! What are you doing way out here?" Happy asked with wide eyes.

"Oh, I was just visiting Porlyusica." Wendy said with a small smile.

"Willingly?!" Happy said in shock.

"Yeah, I just had some questions. That's all. Anyways, have you seen Carla?" Wendy asked.

"I wish, but no. Why?"

"I haven't seen her all day. I hope she's okay."

"I'll go look for her. Don't worry, Wendy, I'll find her!" Happy stood up and flew off while still holding the giant fish.

Happy searched all around the East Forest first. He did not find her anywhere there, so he went back to Magnolia and searched. He looked around Magnolia park, the guild, and everywhere. He was exhausted, but he couldn't give up. He was really worried at this point, as well. Happy fell to the ground, panting. He looked to see where he was. He was back in front of the East Forest. He began searching in there again. He found a place he didn't see before. There was another river, but it looked... wrong. The water was black, but he saw something white across on the other side. He took a slow, cautious step foward and the black water whipped out and wrapped around his foot. He did his max speed to get it off his foot. It worked. He flew up and over the water. He made it over to the white thing he saw.

It was Carla!!

"Carla!! I found you!" Happy said running over to her, but stopped short.

It certainly was Carla, but she wasn't moving. Happy rushed to her side and checked to see if she was breathing. Good, she was just unconscious. She didn't look so good, either. She was missing patches of fur and was full of scratches and scrapes. What happened to her? Happy picked Carla up and tried to carry her back to the guild, but he was out of magic and couldn't cross the black river without getting attacked. This could kill them both.

"H-Happy..." Carla said in raspy voice.

"Carla, I'm here. It's okay." Happy did his best to soothe her.

"Good..." Carla smiled with her eyes still closed.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever, again!"

~ One hour later ~

An hour later, Carla got enough strength back to open her eyes and sit up with Happy's help. She's been out here all day. She was starving, so Happy took the fish out from his green bag on his back. He broke off a chunk and gave it to her. She ate it, gratefully, and then, her eyes lit up and she stood up after swallowing.

"Carla?!" Happy said standing up as well.

"Happy!! You saved me!!" Carla shouted and jumped into his arms.

"What?" Happy said with confusion evident in his voice.

"I was still lost when you found me. There was voice in my head saying I'd never be found or saved. It said I was going to die here. I was so scared. Thank you so much, Happy!" Carla said while tears streamed down her face.

"It's going to be alright, Carla." Happy said while rubbing her back.

"It really is, now that you're here." Carla smiled.

She still didn't have enough magic energy to fly and Happy couldn't fly them all the way to the guild, but he could fly her to Porlyusica and that's exactly what he did. Porlyusica took Carla and helped with what she could. Carla looked as good as she did before the incident, if not better, but there was still a question that was bugging both Happy and Carla.

"What caused her to get her strength back when a moment ago, she could barely sit up?" Happy asked as they both looked at Porlyusica.

"She was injured by the black water know as Impurity Ink. It's extremely dangerous and should be removed from someone's system right away. Carla should've been getting worse or even be dead by now. By the 8th hour of being engulfed and spit out by the Ink, she would've started losing her sanity and life."

"I was out there for longer, I'm sure. Happy might've found me before 8 hours, I guess."

"Yeah, I fed her my fish and she stood up after that."

"Oh, I understand now. I heard that if the one who was attacked recieved something from a loved one, they'd be all better, but only if they both felt the same way." Happy and Carla's jaws dropped.

"So, it was, basically, like true love's kiss kinda, but in the form of an object." Carla said and Porlyusica nodded in agreement.

"True love... Does this mean-" Happy got cut off my Carla kissing him.

"Yes." Carla answered afterwards.

"You can have my fish anytime." Happy answered while he looked love drunk.

Carla giggled and, since, she had her magic energy back, she picked up Happy and flew to the guild. She was reunited with Wendy and everyone else. She explained about the Impurity Ink and how Happy saved her. Then, she had to explain why Happy was acting he way he was and everyone was pretty shocked about that, but glad that Carla was finally giving Happy a chance. Everyone cheered and decided to have a party. What a wonderful way to end an eventful day.

Happy and Carla from then on shared fish and snuggled by fireplaces whenever they could. Happy never would've thought this would happen and neither did Carla, but they were both so grateful for it to have happened. Cappy forever!

A/N - I know it's been awhile, but here is another one-shot! A couple I've never written one about before, so yay! I literally showed my mom a picture with a bunch of different Fairy Tail ships and told to point at one. She said, "The one with the kitties!" and I was like, "Okay, then. This should be interesting." Yeah, anyways, I had just watched Markiplier play a horror game before writing this, so I wanted to make it a bit ominous and spooky and I did kind of did it! Yay! Anyways, punch the vote button in the face like a boss and I'll see you in the next one-shot!! Buh-Bye!! (Septiplier, anyone!)

Spread positivity and love everywhere and don't forget to make yourself happy first!! :)

Fairy Tail one-shots!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora