GaLe ~ Robotics Part 1 ~

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The day was bright and sunny, but Levy remained inside in her room. She was creating new inventions every week it seemed. The only time she used magic was to read with her Gale-Force glasses to learn all the mechanics for her inventions. She didn't want to rely on magic all the time. Levy knew not everyone was a wizard and wanted to learn new skills if magic disappeared someday. She knew that was unlikely to happen, but she loved building new and useful creations. It was fun for her, but she never told anyone about it.

"Levy, where have you been? You almost missed the celebration." Lucy said as Levy entered the guild.

"I've been busy. And what celebration?" Levy replied, making her way to a table.

"What celebration? Seriously. Don't tell me you forgot. Gajeel's birthday, silly." Lucy said in disbelief that Levy would forget such a thing.

"Oh no. That's today? I thought it was tomorrow. I'll be right back." Levy made a mad dash out of the guild back to her room.

She grabbed the thing she was currently making for Gajeel and started the process of finishing it. It took her an hour to finish nonstop, but she was happy. She wiped her hands and face off and ran back to the guild hall where loud music was playing. She burst through the doors and ran directly into Gajeel. He caught Levy as she was about to fall.

"Woah, slow down there, Shrimp." Gajeel said with a smile looking down at Levy.

"Sorry. I had to finish your present and it took longer than expected, so I ran here as soon as I was done." Levy explained with a blush.

"Oh, that's cool. I can't wait to open it later." Gajeel continued to smile at her.

"I hope you like. I'll go put it over on the table with the others. I'll be right back." Levy quickly put her gift by the others.

When Levy turned back around, she saw Gajeel talking to Juvia. She decided not to bother them, so she scanned the guild hall. Everybody was here with either a drink in their hand or shoving cake into their mouths. Levy spotted Lucy and walked over to her.

"Hey Lucy." Levy greeted her best friend.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Lucy said with a giggle and Levy realized she was tipsy.

"Yeah, I had to finish something up. Do you know where Makarov is?"

"Over there." Lucy pointed to a not-as-drunk Makarov as they thought he would be, which is a good thing.

Levy hurried over to where Makarov was sitting on the counter. Levy leaned against it waiting as Makarov finished the last sip of his drink. After that, she cleared her throat to get his attention.

"Ah, Levy, my dear. What can I do for you?" Makarov asked in his fatherly voice.

"Well, master, there's this competition coming up. I want to enter, but I need a mentor. Would you mind being my mentor just for the competition?"

"What competition?"

"It's for this sport called Robotics. It's usually done with a team with seperate subgroups making a robot in a period of six weeks. However, this competition is for individuals to show off what they know. All I need is you to be my mentor and then I can compete against others to see if my own invention can win."

"Sounds fun, but do I even qualify to be your mentor?"

"Oh yeah. You don't even have to know anything really, except there is one rule that you have to remember. No magic." As soon as that left Levy's mouth, Makarov's eyes went wide.

"No magic? Why is that?"

"This competition is for non-wizards as well. Since, they can't use magic, no one can."

"Hmm, alright. I'll do it, I'll be your mentor, my dear."

"Thank you so much, master!"

Levy was so happy that master agreed to be her mentor that she forgot where she was. She was twirling in excitement and suddenly lost her footing. She started to fall, but someone caught her. She looked up to be greeted by red eyes she knew too well.

"Hey Gajeel." Levy breathed.

"Sup." He helped her up.

"Oh, wait. You didn't open up presents yet, did you?" Levy asked with wide eyes.

"Nope, but I don't really want to in front of everyone..." Gajeel trailed off, looking down.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I rather do it alone or with a small group of close friends."

"Oh, okay. We can do that."

"Thanks, that sounds good."

"Of course."

Levy rushed off and glanced back quickly to see Gajeel walk the other way. She told her friends that they were going to wait to open up presents later. She also shared her news of the robotics competition. They all agreed they would be there to cheer her on. She was so grateful for them. A few hours later, everyone else left the guild until it was just her group of friends left. Time for presents!

They were all gathered around a table. All the presents neatly wrapped in front of them. Gajeel began tearing away at them until he finally got to Levy's. He looked at it and opened it carefully. Inside the box was an exact replica of his dragon, Metalicana. Tears threatened, but he just smiled at Levy. She returned it. The whole world seemed to moving in slow motion as she got up and walked over. She grabbed Gajeel's face gently and planted a sweet little kiss on him. He kissed back and that made it the best birthday for Gageel.

Next up, the Robotics competition for Levy! Get ready!

A/N - Hey everyone! It's been awhile, but I'm very excited to write part 2 next! I decided to write about two things that I love, Fairy Tail and Robotics! I joined Robotics in my last year of High School and fell in love with it. Sadly, I didn't join sooner, but it was still a lot of fun to be a part of it! Anyways, if you're curious about it go to:

Thanks for reading! Always appreciate the support! Love you all! Spread the positivity and don't forget to be yourself! Byyeee!!

- MAJ xx

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